Access to information

As a member of the public you have the right to request access to Council information. Whenever we can we will provide access. If you want information about development applications from 2006 on, please try this link first to Search DA's (development applications).

I want to apply to access Council information

Informal Requests for Information

If you are looking for information that is not available on our website you should submit an online Informal Request for Information form. Council will deal with as many information requests as possible, informally, subject to public interest. Documents will be provided to applicants free of charge, electronically (via email) wherever practicable.

Formal GIPA Application

Council may require a Formal GIPA Application form to be submitted when the information sought:

  • is of a sensitive nature that requires careful weighing of the considerations in favour of and against disclosure; or
  • contains legal advice; or
  • contains personal or confidential information about a third party that requires consultation; or
  • contains business (or commercial in confidence) information; or
  • would involve a significant amount of time and/or resources to produce.

Formal GIPA Applications require a $30 application fee, use this link to the Formal GIPA online application form.

Information Guide

For further information about Council’s structure and functions and your information access rights consult our Information Guide PDF, 315.05 KB.

Open access information not made publicly available

Under section 6(5) of the Government Information (Public Access) Act Council must keep a record of the open access information (if any) that it does not make publicly available on the basis of an overriding public interest against disclosure. The record is to indicate only the general nature of the information concerned.

Where the open access information Council holds contains personal information, the personal information may not be made publicly available, if Council considers that there would be an overriding public interest against its disclosure. The following is the record (under s6(5) of the GIPA Act that Council withholds on the basis of an overriding public interest against disclosure:

  • Annual Disclosure of Interests Returns (partial non-disclosure) see Public Interest Test undertaken in relation to the publication of these Returns on our website - information withheld is personal property and financial information -  provisions of the GIPA Act relating to the overriding public interest against disclosure are;
    • Responsible and effective government (Table 1(f))
    • Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice;
      • Reveal an individual’s personal information (Table 3(a))
      • Expose a person to risk of harm or of serious harassment or serious intimidation (Table 3(f))
  • DA submission letters (partial non-disclosure) - see Making submissions on development application information sheet - information withheld is personal contact information (such as phone numbers and email addresses) and other personal information not relevant to the consideration of the development application in question - provisions of the GIPA Act relating to the overriding public interest against disclosure are;
    • Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice
      • Reveal an individual’s personal information (Table 3(a))
      • Expose a person to risk of harm or of serious harassment or serious intimidation (Table 3(f))

Quick Links to Open Access Information

Under the GIPA Act certain information, known as open access information, must be disclosed by us unless it is not in the public interest to do so. This website is a central reference point you can use to search for what you need.

Open Access InformationLink to the information on Council's websiteDefinition
Policy DocumentsPoliciesDocuments used in connection with the exercise of the City's functions that affect the public.
Disclosure Log2019-20 to 2023-24 GIPA Disclosure Log
PDF, 86.69 KB
A description of information released by way of formal GIPA Applications, including the date of decisions, that may be of interest to other members of the public.
Contracts RegisterContracts Register PDF, 245.43 KBRegister of contracts awarded by Randwick City Council valued at $150,000 or more.
Code of ConductCode of Conduct Policy PDF, 365.4 KBThe conduct obligations of Council officials.
Code of Meeting PracticeCode of Meeting Practice Policy PDF, 171.18 KBProcedures for Council and Council Committee meetings.
Annual ReportQuarterly and Annual ReportsCouncil's Annual Report and State of the Environment Report.
City Plan and Management/Operational Plans20 Year Randwick City PlanThe Randwick City Plan sets the direction for Randwick City over the next 20 years.  The Management Plan includes Council's capital works and financial plans and details about the delivery of services and facilities over the next four years.
Annual Financial Reports (includes Auditor's Report)Annual Operational Plan and BudgetGeneral purpose financial statements, including income statements, balance sheets and Auditor's Reports.
Equal Employment Opportunity PlanWorkforce Plan PDF, 1567.26 KBRandwick City Council's Equity and Diversity Plan.
Councillors' Expenses & Facilities PolicyCrs Expenses & Facilities Policy PDF, 110.8 KBPolicy for expenses incurred by and provision of facilities to Councillors.
Filming and photographyUsing a Public SpaceInformation for filming production or still photography.
Annual Disclosure of Interests ReturnsRegistersRegister (redacted) of annual Disclosure of Interests Returns.
Council & Committee MeetingsBusiness Paper and MinutesBusiness Papers and Minutes for Council and Council Committee Meetings.
Land RegisterLand Register PDF, 407.56 KBA register of Council owned/managed land.
Register of InvestmentsBusiness Paper and MinutesA register of Council's investments is reported to Ordinary Council Meetings on a monthly basis. For access to the most up to date information go to the business paper for the most recent Ordinary Council Meeting.
Delegations of AuthorityDelegations of Authority Policy PDF, 718.96 KBA register of the functions delegated to Council's General Manager and to Council officers.
Graffiti removalGraffiti RemovalRandwick City Council adopts a pro-active approach to addressing the incidence of graffiti in the city and can provide you with information about graffiti removal.
Political donationsElectoral Funding AuthorityInformation regarding disclosures of political donations lodged by candidates, groups, members of parliament, local government Councillors, political parties and political donors can be found on the Electoral Funding Authority website.
Voting on planning & tender mattersBusiness Papers & MinutesPlease refer to the Council meeting minutes for voting on planning & tender matters.
Development controlDevelopment Control Plan (DCP)Environmental planning instruments, development control plans and contributions plans made under the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act.
Development applicationsDA TrackingDevelopment applications and associated documents.
Additional information, such as DA submission letters are available upon request - complete (and submit) Council's Access to Information Request Form following the instructions on the form.
Building CertificatesBuilding CertificatesRecord of Building certificates issued under the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act.
For access to this information complete (and submit) Council's Access to Information Request Form following the instructions on the form.
Leases and LicencesLease Register PDF, 174.42 KBLeases and Licences of Council Owned/Managed Land.
Plans of Management for Community LandPlans of ManagementCouncil's Plans of Management for land classified (under the Local Government Act)
Grants & Awards Grants & AwardsCouncil provides funding for community projects & presents awards in many fields such as gardening, urban design, sport, business and community service.
Crown Lands in Randwick LGALink to NSW Planning portalList of Crown Land reserves in the Randwick LGA.
Last Updated: 16 April 2024
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