Council Meetings

The Ordinary Council meeting on Tuesday 22 October 2024 at 7pm will be held in the Council Chamber, 1st Floor Randwick Town Hall, 90 Avoca Street, Randwick. This meeting will be recorded (audio only) and streamed on the night of the meeting.

Listen to Live Council meetings

How do Council meetings operate?

Council meetings are the fourth (4th) Tuesday of the month. The dates are available in the table below.

All 15 Councillors attend and vote at Council meetings.  The Mayor (or in the Mayor’s absence, the Deputy Mayor) chairs the meetings. Mayoral Minutes and a range of other matters (including reports from the General Manager and each of the three Directors and Motions from the Councillors) are dealt with here.

Meetings follow an agenda, but in some circumstances Council may change the order of business.

Council staff attend the meetings to assist and provide advice to the Councillors, but they do not take part in the decisions. Staff reports include a recommendation that the Council  may adopt or change.

Addressing Council Meetings 

Randwick City Council encourages and supports the participation of residents and the community in its activities. Residents (or their representatives) are able to address Council meetings for up to four minutes on matters that are listed on the agenda of a particular meeting. Only one speaker in favour and one speaker against each recommendation are able to be accommodated due to time constraints.

Any person wishing to address the Council meeting must register their intention to do so with Council's Administrative Staff on 1300 722 542 no later than 2pm on the day of the meeting. Presentations in powerpoint or pdf formats under 10Mb can be emailed to no later than 2pm on the day of the meeting.

Additional speaker/s may be allowed in special circumstances subject to the approval of the Mayor.

Disclosure of interests

Councillors are required, by law, to disclose any conflict or pecuniary interest they and their relatives or associates may have in relation to a matter before council or a  council committee. When a pecuniary disclosure is made, the Councillor cannot take part in debate or vote on the matter.

How is each report dealt with?

Council makes a decision on each of the items (reports) that are listed on their agendas. The chairperson will, generally, call each item in the order of the agenda and each matter is debated and voted on.

How are matters debated and determined at Council meetings?

During debate about each report, any Councillor may propose a motion to council recommending a particular decision. A seconder to the motion is required for the motion to be debated.

Amendments can then be proposed to the motion; the amendment is voted on, and if passed it becomes the motion (replacing the original one). After each amendment is dealt with, further amendments can be proposed. Only one motion and one amendment can be before Council for consideration at any one time. Once no more amendments are proposed Councillors vote on the motion to reach a decision, which is called the "resolution".

Motions, amendments and resolutions are all documented in the Minutes of council and committee meetings.

Minutes for meetings are available on council’s website on Tuesdays in the week following meetings. Minutes are considered to be ‘draft’ until they have been confirmed at the next meeting of the council or the relevant committee.

Can a decision change once Council has made a resolution?

If a Councillor disagrees with a resolution of council, they can submit a rescission motion, which must be countersigned by two other Councillors. This is then submitted to the next meeting of council and the matter is reconsidered.

Councillors Committee Membership

This will be considered at the Ordinary Council meeting on Tuesday 22 October 2024.

2024 Council Meeting Dates

6 FebruaryExtraordinary (Environmental Levy)
27 FebruaryCouncil
11 MarchExtraordinary
26 MarchCouncil
30 AprilCouncil
28 MayCouncil
25 JuneCouncil
23 JulyCouncil
6 AugustExtraordinary
27 AugustCouncil
8 OctoberExtraordinary  (Mayoral election)
22 OctoberCouncil
26 NovemberCouncil
10 DecemberCouncil
Last Updated: 9 October 2024
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