Our submissions

Randwick Council regularly expresses its view on various issues that affect our functions, operations, the local community or the local government sector generally.

One of the ways that we do this is by making submissions on matters that are publicly exhibited (or are open to consultation) by other agencies. This could be State or Federal Government Departments or government agencies, such as IPART or other organisations such as Local Government NSW.

As part of Council’s commitment to transparency and openness, we publish those submissions here for general public information.

Recent submissions made by Randwick City Council

2024 Submissions

FOGO Mandates - Proposal paper PDF, 6161.18 KB

  • Date submitted: 15 July 2024
  • Submission to: NSW Environment Protection Authority
  • Description: Council recognises the FOGO Mandate as a significant advancement for NSW in addressing food waste and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Drawing on Randwick's successful early implementation of FOGO services for households, Council's submission offers in-depth feedback and insights for an effective statewide FOGO rollout. It underscores the critical need to enhance FOGO processing capabilities and technologies to effectively manage contamination, emphasises the importance of thorough assessments and consultations with businesses and households to address local concerns, and advocates for a robust state government support.

Reforming the emergency services funding system PDF, 582.25 KB

  • Date submitted: 22 May 2024
  • Submission to: New South Wales Treasury
  • Description: The consultation paper is the beginning of public consultations from the New South Wales (NSW) Government towards its commitment to reform the State’s emergency services funding. The response will input towards the design, scope, features and transition arrangements of a reformed emergency services levy.
  • Further information: https://www.haveyoursay.nsw.gov.au/reforming-emergency-services-funding-system

Parliamentary Inquiry into the impact and mitigation of aircraft noise PDF, 1114.75 KB

  • Date submitted: 26 April 2024
  • Submission to: Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Committee
  • Description: Council's submission to the inquiry into the impact and mitigation of aircraft noise on residents draws attention to the significant issue of aircraft noise impacts on the residents of Randwick. The submission aims to highlight the issues with the Long term Operating Plan which should be updated, adverse effects of aircraft noise pollution on the health, well-being, and quality of life of individuals residing in the affected areas.

Improving Planning Processes for Efficient Infrastructure Delivery PDF, 608.08 KB

  • Date submitted: 19 April 2024
  • Submission to: Department of Planning and Environment
  • Description: Council acknowledges the substantial benefits in streamlining infrastructure approval processes from reducing delays, accelerating project timelines, to fast-tracking delivery across the State. Reducing bottle necks within the planning process can create greater efficiencies, cost savings and enhanced productivity in infrastructure delivery. Council largely supports proposed changes, however raise a number of considerations given the potential to undermine local amenity and character.

No Take Trial for Eastern Blue Groper PDF, 59.88 KB

  • Date submitted: 16 April 2024
  • Submission to:  Department of Private Industries - Fisheries NSW
  • Description: Council supports the decision by the NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) to implement a 12-month trial prohibiting the extraction of Eastern Blue Groper by any method including line fishing. The no-take trial of Eastern Blue Gropers ensures greater protection of the species and safeguards their significant role in regulating populations of marine creatures including crabs and sea urchins as well as maintaining delicately balanced, diverse and healthy local ecosystems.

Bundock Street Defence Housing Redevelopment PDF, 1902.73 KB

  • Date submitted: 2 April 2024
  • Submission to:  Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment, and Water (DCCEEW)
  • Description: Randwick Council assessed the documents on exhibition for the Bundock Street Housing Redevelopment. Council addressed concerns regarding Site Contamination, Transport and traffic, Development Engineering, Heritage, Waste management, landscaping and tree removal, biodiversity, and environment.

Discussion paper on Short-and Long-Term Rental Accommodation PDF, 2124.41 KB

  • Date submitted: 28 March 2024
  • Submission to:  Department of Planning Housing & Infrastructure (DPHI)
  • Description: Council's submission reflects a thorough analysis of the current state of STRA in Randwick City and identifies areas of concern, particularly in the northern and coastal parts of the LGA including within/surrounding the Randwick Health and Education Precinct.

Crown Lands Management Act Review PDF, 1935.95 KB

  • Date submitted: 26 March 2024
  • Submission to:  NSW Crown Lands
  • Description: Council reviewed the discussion paper and provided comments addressing the relevant consultation questions contained in the review brief. The majority of the comments provided in this submission are based on Council’s understanding and experience as a Crown Land Manager and on concerns raised by the community and other non-council Crown Land Managers.

UNSW Health Translation Hub PDF, 443.5 KB

  • Date submitted: 25 March 2024
  • Submission to: Social and Infrastructure Assessments - Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure
  • Description: Council provides recommendations regarding the notification of Modification #3 to the State Significant Development Application (SSDA) to SSD-10822510 for the UNSW Health Translation Hub (HTH).

NSW Government low and mid-rise Housing Reforms PDF, 3746.63 KB

  • Date submitted: 29 February 2024
  • Submission to: Department of Planning Housing & Infrastructure (DPHI)
  • Description: Council's submission raises serious concern with the blanket application to increasing dwelling densities without any substantial placed based considerations or meaningful engagement of the local community.

Infrastructure Contributions Practice Notes Exhibition PDF, 1373.24 KB

  • Date submitted: 23 February 2024
  • Submission to: Department of Planning and Environment
  • Description: The NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Industry (DPHI) exhibited an updated suite of local infrastructure contributions practice notes. The exhibited draft practice notes are easier to use and interpret and provide improved guidance for consent authorities, the development industry and the broader community in terms of better understanding of the procedural aspects of the development contributions framework. Council’s submission reiterates previously raised concerns regarding the fixed 1% rate for the city wide s7.12 Plan and criteria limitations to support an increase to the levy rate.

NSW Plastics Next Steps Discussion paper PDF, 2132.18 KB

  • Date submitted: 5 February 2024
  • Submission to: NSW Environment Protection Authority
  • Description: Council is very supportive of the ongoing actions to address plastics in the environment and note that many actions in this paper align with Randwick City Council Environment Strategy actions and outcomes. Council is directing considerable resources to encourage plastic free across our LGA and has been recognised for its efforts having achieved multiple awards for waste and recycling education.

2023 Submissions

Exempt and complying Development frameworks for Cemeteries PDF, 1539.43 KB

  • Date submitted: 7 December 2023
  • Submission to: Department of Planning and Environment
  • Description: Randwick has two key cemeteries one of which is owned and managed by Council (known as Randwick Cemetery) and the other, being Botany Cemetery, is located in a sensitive coastal headland location and managed by Crown Lands under a trust arrangement. Council has reviewed the proposed changes and the implications for Randwick’s two key cemeteries. Council is aware of site-specific sensitivities of its cemeteries and need to protect heritage values, adjacent open space, bushland and sensitive coastal environments.

Sydney Airport Continuation of Temporary Change to Night-time Freight operations - re dispensation to SACF PDF, 1872.84 KB

  • Date submitted: 17 November 2023
  • Submission to: Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts
  • Description: As a member of the Sydney Airport Community Forum, Council was invited to make a submission on the curfew dispensation granted to Qantas, Team Global Express and Pionair Australia. The reason for the dispensation is to facilitate additional freight capacity into the network. Council is of the opinion that it is not acceptable that curfew dispensations beyond regular curfew flights should be granted approval to operate at this time given that these flights are intrusive to local residents.

Explanation of Intended Effect (EIE) for outdoor dining on private land and optional LEP clause for live music venues PDF, 953.95 KB

  • Date submitted: 16 November 2023
  • Submission to: Department of Planning and Environment
  • Description: Randwick City Council's submission included several measures and programs being undertaken to support the local economy, recognising the socio-economic benefits of stimulating job creation and economic growth within the Local Government Area. The Explanation of Intended Effect (EIE) outlines the proposed legislative amendments to permit outdoor dining. Council is supportive of the provisions provided they are sufficiently robust to ensure that noise and other amenity considerations capable of being managed.

Environmental Impact Statement: Mixed Use Hotel Development, Royal Randwick Racecourse PDF, 4631.64 KB

  • Date submitted: 9 November 2023
  • Submission to: Department of Planning and Environment
  • Description: Randwick Council's submission responds to the State Significant Development (SSD) proposal for mixed use hotel at the Royal Randwick Racecourse site which was exhibited until 26 October 2023. The SSD is intended to replace the previously approved 8 storey mixed use hotel development on the site (approved in 2014).

Parliamentary Inquiry - Impacts of climate changes on the environment and communities PDF, 1114.75 KB

  • Date submitted: 7 November 2023
  • Submission to: Department of Planning and Environment
  • Description: Council supports the intent of the inquiry to review the planning system to ensure that communities are able to mitigate and adapt to conditions caused by changing environmental and climatic conditions. The submission outlines a number of issues that are relevant to Randwick City that Council would like to see considered as part of this inquiry.

100-120 King St and 30-36 Dangar St, Randwick Montefiore PDF, 2738.64 KB

  • Date submitted: 1 November 2023
  • Submission to: Department of Planning and Environment
  • Description: Council reviewed the State Significant Development Application (SSDA)for Seniors Housing and addresses concerns to building height, bulk and scale under a series of modifications to the overall Montefiore development. Additionally, Council provides comments based on environmentally sustainable development, contaimination, waste management, traffic and parking, flood management and landscaping.

Social and Affordable Housing Reforms PDF, 1480.67 KB

  • Date submitted: 17 October 2023
  • Submission to: Department of Planning and Environment
  • Description: Randwick City Council is supportive of efforts to increase the provision of afforable housing within NSW and within the LGA. However, Council is concerned that a blanket approach to enable substantial increases in residential densities and height undermines place-based design considerations. It also ignores extensive strategic planning reviews that have been undertaken in key town/strategic centres in the Randwick LGA.

Sydney Football Stadium Redevelopment  PDF, 146.9 KB

  • Date submitted: 18 September 2023
  • Submission to: Department of Planning and Environment
  • Description: Randwick Council submission addressed the proposed modification development application. The application relates to the Sydney Football Stadium redevelopment and seeks to increase the number of concerts allowed per year and change the operational parameters. Council raises concerns regarding traffic and parking, as well as noise management.

Response to Submissions - 42 Raymond Avenue Matraville PDF, 794.21 KB

  • Date submitted: 10 August 2023
  • Submission to: Department of Planning and Environment
  • Description: Randwick Council submission responded to the proposed design reconfiguration, and contamination and landscape amendments of the proposal as contained in the Modification 2 documentation.

Submission to Proposal - 42 Raymond Avenue Matraville PDF, 1687.46 KB

  • Date submitted: 26 May 2023
  • Submission to: Department of Planning and Environment
  • Description: Randwick Council's submission addressed the design reconfiguration, and contamination and landscape amendments of the proposal as contained in the Modification 2 documentation. Modification 2 involves reconfiguration of the originally approved design to facilitate 12.5m heavy rigid trucks to reverse into and sit entirely within the designated warehouse unit.

Clause 5.22 Flooding - submission to EIE PDF, 1118.12 KB

  • Date submitted: 14 January 2023
  • Submission to: Department of Planning and Environment
  • Description: Randwick Council is supportive of measures that will lead to the informed consideration of flooding, provide consistency and certainty for development, and build resistance for flood affected communities. While Randwick Council supports the recommendations of the NSW Independent Flood Inquiry, concerns are raised over the one-size fits all approach to dealing with flooding across NSW, regardless of whether LGAs are located regionally or in metropolitan centres.
Last Updated: 16 July 2024
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