2021: The year in review

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Randwick City was made brighter in 2021 with the Coogee rainbow!

NOTE: This news article was accurate at the time it was posted. Visit FOGO to see the latest information.

Looking back on 2021 it’s the lockdowns, restrictions, and difficult times we’ve all had to endure that are probably at the forefront of our minds. Yet there are a lot of projects Council delivered for the community that we’re really proud of, even through all of the restrictions. From small community-based services to large infrastructure projects, here’s our top 21 in 2021.

1) FOGO began!
On 1 March 2021 we became the first inner city council to offer FOGO – Food Organics and Garden Organics collected in the same green bin. We knew it was going to be an adjustment for everyone – but we want to thank the huge number of people who have embraced FOGO and helped divert more than 9000 tonnes of waste from ending up in landfill! These actions have prevented greenhouse gases from being produced in landfill, which is the equivalent of taking more than 1,800 cars off the road for an entire year. Go FOGO!

2) We welcomed new citizens
When COVID-19 forced our face-to-face citizenship ceremonies to stop, we moved them online, holding 18 virtual citizenship ceremonies, welcoming 952 new Aussie citizens to Randwick City.

3) Construction commenced on the Heffron Centre
After years of planning, construction began on the Heffron Centre – a new community sporting facility.. The $58M project is a joint initiative of Randwick City Council and the South Sydney Rabbitohs with part funding provided by the NSW State Government and Federal Government.

4) Outdoor Living Classroom launched
After Council constructed our biggest stormwater recycling system to date, we completed the project with a hands-on interactive pay station to help kids can learn all about recycling and saving stormwater. The project won Council the Environmental Leadership award in the Local Government Excellence Awards in 2021.

5) Hand-painted log seats
Sometimes the small projects are the meaningful ones. This year, we were able to work with La Perouse Public School to hand-paint a collection of moveable log seats. The log seats came from two large gum trees that were removed to make way for new facilities at a local school. They were hand painted by students who took inspiration from local plants and animals.

La Perouse Public School students who helped paint the moveable log seats

6) We opposed the Matraville incinerator
We’ve been working closely throughout 2021 with the local community to strongly oppose a plan by Suez and Opal to build an incinerator in Matraville. Randwick Council is strongly opposed to this proposal for many reasons, including the concern for public health, the risk to the environment and local air pollution.

7) Informing strategies adopted
This year, we produced five new informing strategies to help guide Council’s decision making for the next decade. Each strategy was carefully researched and drafted by our staff and we thoroughly consulted the community. The new strategies are our Arts and Culture Strategy, Integrated Transport Strategy, Environment Strategy, Open Space and Recreation Strategy and Inclusive Randwick Strategy. In early 2022, we’ll exhibit our Economic Development Strategy.

8) New boardwalk at Randwick Environment Park
We completed the walking loop at Randwick Environment Park by installing a boardwalk in place of the dirt ‘goat track’ on the western edge of the park. The new boardwalk guarantees accessibility, meaning those with strollers, wheelchairs, walkers and mobility scooters will all be able to enjoy the park’s full circular loop with ease.

New boardwalk at Randwick Environment Park

9) Outdoor gym at Malabar opened
If you’re looking for a gym with the best views in Sydney, this could be it! The outdoor gym at Malabar Beach is a great place to have a quick workout before a dip in the ocean.

10) Big win for Little Bay
When the Sydney Eastern Planning Panel rejected Meriton’s mega development plans for Little Bay, it was a big win for our community! Randwick Council originally refused the planning proposal in June 2020 and the State Government’s Planning Panel supported this decision when they also refused the plan in June 2021.

11) Food hampers for local families
Randwick families doing it tough during COVID received a helping hand from Randwick City Council with 200 food boxes being distributed each week. The hampers were packed by volunteers at the Addi Road Community Centre in Marrickville and distributed to Randwick families in need through local service providers.

12) Eco Living went online
When COVID-19 put a halt to our in-person plans for the Eco Living Festival, we planned an online event that took place over the course of a month. With more than 30 workshops, talks and interactive tours, there was something for everyone to get involved! Catch up on what you may have missed here.

13) Coogee SLSC won international award
We could not have been prouder than when the Coogee Surf Lifesaving Club upgrade received a top international award for accessibility. Chosen as one of seven winners from 86, the club is now fully accessible and has brought accessibility to a whole new level in Coogee, making surf lifesaving a possibility for those who otherwise might have not been able to partake.

Coogee Surf Life Saving Club

14) You planted with us!
With our community ‘Plant with Us’ program we worked with various communities across Randwick City to plant almost 1000 new trees in our City. We want to thank everyone for their help! We look forward to continuing the program in 2022.

15) The Coogee Rainbow was unveiled
Coogee Beach’s rainbow walkway was unveiled with colourful fanfare in support of the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras. The vibrant 47-metre long rainbow, which follows the curve of the Coogee steps, was painted in support of diversity, inclusivity and equality with the local LGBTQI+ community. Later in the year, Councillors voted to keep the rainbow as a permanent feature.

16) Our Library turned 70
This year, 2021, marked the 70th anniversary of our library services. Even at 70 years old, our library continues to evolve and adapt based on our community’s needs. This year, the library ran a total of 553 events and programs to audiences both online and in person, with a total combined audience of 7,938.

17) Purcell Park project wins award
Our remediation work at Purcell Park won Council an Asbestos Management Award at the Local Government NSW's Excellence in the Environment Awards. Council was praised for its multidisciplinary approach, which included capping the existing contaminated soil using geofabric mesh and excavating natural material as well as the installation of an innovative irrigation system that captures excess water from a nearby industrial factory to ensure healthy ground cover, preventing erosion and keeping asbestos capping in good condition.

18) Pioneers Park upgrade
At Pioneers Park in Malabar, Council undertook redevelopment of the lower fields to create a new synthetic playing field and new natural grass surface field. The project provides the community with an all-weather playing surface that increases the amount of hours the community can use the fields.

19) Coogee Gym and Native Garden
In February 2021, we opened a new outdoor gym in Coogee, after community consultation. Located at Neptune Park, Council also planted a native garden following a request from the local community which adds some interest to the park as well as provide a haven for small birds.

Coogee Outdoor Gym at Neptune Park

20) Lexo Hub Vaccination program
South Eastern Sydney Local Heath District (SESHLD) approached Council with the idea to set up a hub that would allow vulnerable people – those with low income, or who experience mental health issues or drug and alcohol dependencies – as well as the local Aboriginal community, to receive their COVID-19 vaccine in a supportive space. Every Friday, Council and SESHLD held free walk-in vaccine clinics from 10am to 2pm.

21) Care for local schools during lockdown
We worked with South Coogee Public School to arrange for 45 care packages, which contained a combination of games and activity packs, food supplies and data packs, to be delivered to families that needed additional support during isolation. By July, once it became clear that home learning was going to be the norm for the following few months, Council extended an invitation to all schools in the LGA to access the Zoom and Facebook Live activity and exercise sessions, which were being hosted by our library and DRLC staff.

From everyone here at Randwick City, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Stay safe!

Last Updated: 20 June 2023
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