Maintenance works start for Coogee beachside parkland

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Upgrades & Improvements
A photo of people relaxing on the grassy parkland of Goldstein Reserve in Coogee.

Goldstein Reserve, adjacent to Coogee Beach, in Sydney’s eastern suburbs is set for an upgrade, with a range of works to improve pedestrian access, facilities for beach users, and drainage, starting this week.

Works will include the installation of new showers at the northern end of the parkland, a new stormwater grate and paving, as well as 800 square metres of new turf to cover bare areas near the kiosk. Deteriorated tree pits surrounding Norfolk Island pines outside Coogee Oval on Arden Street will also be repaired as part of upgrades in the area.

The works will be carried out in three stages over several months, starting Monday 20 May 2024.

Details of each stage:

Stage 1 – Arden St tree pits outside Coogee Oval (expected duration: three to four weeks):

Stage 2 – Goldstein Reserve surrounding amenities and kiosk (expected duration: six to eight weeks):

Stage 3 – New showers at the north end of Goldstein Reserve (expected duration: two to three weeks)

Noise, erosion and dust controls will be used to mitigate any adverse impacts on the surrounding community.

More information:

For specific enquiries about this project, please contact Project Manager James Mould on 02 9093 6729 or

Last Updated: 22 May 2024
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