Malabar set for spruce up by Council 'Blitz team'

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Upgrades & Improvements
Image of a man fixing pavements

Malabar town centre is set for a spruce up later this month, with Randwick City Council Mayor Philipa Veitch today announcing it as the second location of the Council’s 'Blitz team'.

After the success of last month’s operation in Randwick town centre, up to 50 workers from different Council departments will descend on Malabar to undertake an intensive one-day cleaning and maintenance blitz on 29 May 2024.

“While maintenance and improvements have and always will be core business for Council, the difference with the Blitz team is the intensity and methodical nature of the program,” Randwick Mayor Philipa Veitch said.

“As the experience in Randwick demonstrated, delivering cleaning, repairs, upgrades and improvements that might have been scheduled over a longer period in just one day provides an instant boost for the area and to local businesses.”

Randwick town centre was the first location to receive the targeted treatment by Council cleaning and maintenance staff, and the project delivered spectacular results. In one day, staff completed a wide range of projects, from planting new trees and plants to removing graffiti tags, laying new footpaths, fixing hundreds of broken pavers and installing new street furniture and bins.

Mayor Veitch said that Council staff are looking forward to replicating this success in Malabar this month.

“Every day our hard-working staff deliver standard cleaning and maintenance works across the city, but the focused activities of staff from different parts of Council can quickly complete priority projects.

“Council’s Place Coordinators are currently door-knocking local businesses to inform them about the works and to identify areas for focus.”

Works will commence from 4:00am. Due to the scale of the operation there will be impacts on the availability of carparking on Anzac Parade and Prince Edward Street.

Following the Malabar works, the ‘Blitz team’ will focus on other town centres across the Randwick Local Government Area over the coming months and years.

Last Updated: 15 May 2024
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