Message from Mayor Veitch – 15 May 2024

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Mayor's Messages

You've likely been tuned in to coverage of the Federal budget over the past few days, but there’s another important budget conversation going on – Randwick City Council’s draft 2024-25 Operational Plan, Budget and Fees and Charges is open for community feedback.

The draft documents detail the Council’s financial position, a proposed program of work – including $42m in capital expenditure on new and improved community facilities – and changes to rates and charges for the fiscal year beginning 1 July 2024.

I’m proud of Randwick Council’s record of working with residents, businesses and community groups to build a strong and inclusive city, and grateful for the community’s ongoing participation.

The plans are open for consultation until 30 May and you can access them on our website or in Council’s Administration Building or libraries. We look forward to hearing your thoughts on our plans for the upcoming financial year.

I’m thrilled to invite children, families and carers to join us tomorrow afternoon to celebrate the official opening of the newly upgraded Alison Park Playground.

If you haven’t had the opportunity to visit yet, the new playground is bright, engaging and more accessible, with fun features like an in-ground trampoline, run wheel and nest swing.

Festivities kick off at 3:00pm, with live music free ice cream and bubbles. I hope you can come along to join the celebration!

We’ve also opened a new pocket park at the intersection of Clovelly and Carrington roads. Replacing the old median island and slip road, this small but functional space is a delightful outdoor space to gather, rest and reflect, featuring timber seats with sculptural structures, new plants, and a multi-purpose deck.

Now that the sun has finally reappeared, I hope you’re enjoying some time outside in our beautiful city.

Cr Philipa Veitch
Mayor or Randwick

Last Updated: 15 May 2024
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