Works commence to revitalise Matraville town centre

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Upgrades & Improvements
Matraville town centre masterplan

Matraville locals will soon enjoy a new-and-improved streetscape, as Randwick City Council commences upgrade works to Bunnerong Road, a crucial first step in realising its plan to revitalise Matraville town centre.

Council will commence work this week to completely remove the existing footpath on Bunnerong Road between Daunt Avenue and Beauchamp Road, replacing it with new asphalt bordered by pavers and a number of new street trees.

Randwick City Council Mayor Philipa Veitch said that the upgrade works are part of Council’s plan to transform Matraville into a vibrant, green and prosperous town centre.

“Matraville town centre is an important business and shopping district and well-used by locals. Council has worked with the community over the last few years to develop an ambitious plan to develop Matraville’s potential, and to transform it into a vibrant, thriving place where people want to visit, shop and hang out.

“The Bunnerong Road streetscape upgrade is a crucial first step in the implementation of the Matraville town centre masterplan. By widening the footpath, we will create more spaces for outdoor dining and increased pedestrian safety.

“I’m thrilled to be getting started on this exciting project. It will make the street safer, more accessible and more appealing for pedestrians, cyclists and motorised vehicles, with the new trees providing shade in the summer months.”

Artist impression of the proposed community precinct area.

The works comprise demolition and excavation of the existing pavement, pouring of new concrete and asphalt, installation of new pavers, street trees, street furniture and bins.

The Council notified Matraville locals of the commencement of works in a letterbox drop, and Mayor Veitch said Council would do all it can to limit noise, parking and traffic impacts on local while the works are underway.

“Locals will no doubt notice some changes to parking and traffic during the upgrade works. Council is committed to doing what we can to mitigate these impacts.

“I’m really grateful for the patience and understanding of residents and local businesses as we progress this important upgrade.”

Information about the Matraville town centre masterplan is available on the Council’s website.

Works are expected to take approximately nine weeks, weather permitting.

Media enquiries

Matthew Phillips – 0408 541 717 or

Last Updated: 28 May 2024
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