Meeks Street Plaza is looking brighter!

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Upgrades & Improvements, Sport
An image of an outdoor space with colourful artwork and seats.

Have you noticed something different at Meeks Street Plaza?

This sunny site in Kingsford is looking a little brighter after new seating was installed and colourful artworks were painted on the pavement this month.

The upgrades are part of a larger project, which will include timber work restoration, more seating and street art, new plants, and more! More lights will also be installed to illuminate the area at night.

The project will be completed by the end of September 2024.

An image of an outdoor space with trees.

An image of a plaza with colourful seats and paintings on the pavement.

An image of a plaza with bright red seating.

An image of a plaza with a bright red and yellow painting on the pavement.

Last Updated: 28 August 2024
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