Randwick artist takes much-loved locals from the depths to new heights

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Council, Sustainability & Environment
Image of woman sitting down and smiling at the camera in her art studio filled with light.

If you’ve passed through Randwick City recently, you may have noticed that there are some new locals in town…

Some of Randwick City’s most loved underwater creatures are now flying high along main streets and town centres as part of an ongoing campaign to promote appreciation and protection of the area’s local marine life.

As part of Randwick City Council’s ‘Love the locals’ campaign, a new suite of street banners featuring individual artworks of a grey nurse shark, blue groper, sea urchin, common Sydney octopus, and humpback whales, went up last week around the Local Government Area.

Close-up image of hands painting the legs of a purple and pink octopus

Randwick resident Anthea Ben-Naim, who created the artworks, was one of several local artists profiled on Council’s Randwick Arts Listing who was asked to submit a proposal for the campaign. Anthea was selected as the winning artist for her acrylic and watercolour painting styles that often depict the natural world.

“I’m inspired by the things I see and experience locally,” Anthea said. “I paint the things that I most love and find most beautiful, and often these things are vulnerable and need to be protected.

Image of two paintings; humpback whales and blue groper.

“The street banner campaign says, look at our locals – our local wildlife – that share our space and are part of our community. Many people in the area have stories about or have swum with these creatures. The campaign reminds us that these creatures have their own characters and personalities, and that they need to be protected.”

Image of two paintings; grey nurse shark and sea urchin.

Anthea, who moved to Randwick from Sydney’s north shore just over a year ago, said that being part of the street banner campaign had helped her learn more about the array of much-loved local marine life. “It’s good to be aware how gentle grey nurse sharks are, for example, but also know that they’re endangered.”

Image of a street banner with artwork of a grey nurse shark

She said being part of Randwick Arts Listing had helped her feel more like a community. “It’s been wonderful to be a part and embrace the artistic community in Randwick,” Anthea said.

Council’s Randwick Arts Listing provides a platform for artists and other creative practitioners based in Randwick City to connect and promote their art or services to the public. The ‘Love the locals’ street banners will be flying at Randwick, Clovelly, Coogee, Kensington and Kingsford until the end of July 2024.

Last Updated: 10 July 2024
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