Alfresco dining

Apply for Alfresco (on-road) dining space

We are committed to working with businesses to build a sustainable 24 hour economy that creates jobs and supports the community. Alfresco dining is important for community wellbeing, the economy and tourism. The Alfresco Randwick Program aims to support and, where practical, increase Randwick’s Alfresco dining experience.

As part of the program we help businesses plan, operate, maintain and increase dining areas by providing an opportunity to use nearby roads and spaces.

To be eligible to participate in the Alfresco Randwick Program businesses will already need to have a current Occupation of footway agreement in place. The Alfresco Trial has a limited number of spaces available. All applicants may be considered for future roll-outs if not successful for this 12 month period.

For more information on Alfresco Randwick contact Council’s Economic Development Team on 9093 6000 or via

Who can apply? 

Any business that currently serves food and drink, that has an Occupation of Footway Agreement can apply. This could be a café, bar, restaurant or cultural venue.

Businesses can propose to use the road and/ or car parking space that is adjacent to their business.

Unsuitable road space:

  • Bus stops or bus zone
  • Roads with speed limits of more than 50km/hr
  • Clearways/tow-away zones
  • Parking for Australia Post, police, fire, ambulance, or car share
  • No stopping zone
  • Bike lanes
  • Accessible parking
  • In-road fire hydrant
  • Areas obstructing access for deliveries, essential and emergency vehicle access, access to commercial carparks and residential building carparks.
  • streets with service/utility access panels or storm drains within the parking space (unless furniture is movable, and no platforms are involved)
  • construction zones (unless relocated with support of building company and Council)

Potentially suitable road space:

  • Parallel or 90-degree parking
  • Straight road geometry ensuring uninterrupted sight lines for drivers
  • At least 10m from an intersection (measured from the building line)
  • Any parklet within 20m of the departure side of a signalised intersection will be considered on a case-by-case basis and subject to Transport NSW approval
  • Shared zones with10km/h speed limit
  • Small streets with 20km/h speed limits
  • Main streets with 40 km/h speed limits
  • Main streets with 50km/h speed limits. Any requests in 50km/h streets will be considered on a case-by-case basis for inclusion of mitigating measures to reduce any risk.
  • Hourly parking, including metered parking
  • Permit exempt parking spaces
  • Drop off/pick up 15 minute parking
  • Loading zone, Taxi zone & No parking zone

What are the guidelines? 

The Alfresco dining area must have food service available.

The use of on-street car parking spaces for Alfresco dining will be carefully considered to ensure the needs of the community in the area are met.

Businesses will be provided with concrete safety barriers in the on-street area and must provide any furniture or decorations such as plants or synthetic grass. Any furniture or decorations must be compliant with our guidelines.

Each application will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Please read the Randwick Alfresco Guidelines PDF, 4021.61 KB.

Apply to use Road Space for Alfresco Dining

If you want to apply to use an adjacent road space, such as a car park, you will need to lodge:

Once we have reviewed your proposal we will contact you to discuss the next steps.  This will include a site visit by our team and getting relevant approvals as part of the evaluation process.

If approved, you will need to sign an Alfresco Agreement with Economic Development. We'll then work with you to arrange local consultation, installation and start dates.

Last Updated: 1 July 2024
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