Development Application notices

Public Notices for Applications

Development Applications on exhibition

The following applications are on exhibition for the mandatory time frames as stipulated in Council’s Community Participation Plan (CPP) PDF, 6286.7 KB.

Randwick City Council is the consent authority for these applications. You may make written submissions to Council within the mandatory exhibition period as detailed in the notice below. The details of each application are available on Council’s DA tracking page. Information about the development application process is available on Council’s website. Information about making submissions is in the Making Submissions Information Sheet PDF, 112 KB.

If you object to an application, the reasons for the objection must be included. Council will only acknowledge the receipt of a submission if it is sent to

Development Consents

Notice is given under Section 4.59 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 of the granting of the development consents listed below.

The reasons for granting these development consents and details of how community views were considered in the assessment, are provided in the DA assessment reports. These reports are available on Council’s Development Application tracking site.

The validity of development consents shall not be questioned except in legal proceedings commenced within 3 months of the date of this Notice.

Last Updated: 7 February 2024
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