Kamay Ferry Wharves Project

The NSW Government is replacing the previous ferry wharves at La Perouse and Kurnell as part of the Kamay Botany Bay National Park, Kurnell Master Plan by the National Parks and Wildlife Service.

The National Park Master Plan will deliver improved visitor amenity and access, provide new experiences, and acknowledge the diversity of stories associated with this place.

The new wharves will provide a valuable recreational resource for the community and will allow for future ferry access between both sides of the National Park.

The project recognises the rich culture and ongoing importance of the area to Aboriginal people. Feedback from the community and stories of Country have helped guide the design.

Latest updates

Community Forums

Regular community forums will be held throughout the project, at a variety of venues and locations, including online. Check their website for the latest details.

If you can’t make a session, their team is available to chat with you individually. Please contact them on the details below.

Contact TfNSW

Information about the project can also be found on their website.


The NSW Government is building ferry wharves at La Perouse and Kurnell. This will create a water connection between La Perouse and Kurnell. Construction commenced in June 2023 and is expected to be complete in late 2024.

This Transport NSW project proposes to reinstate the two ferry wharves in Botany Bay that were destroyed during a storm in 1974. The primary purpose for these wharves would be to allow a ferry service to start operating again for the first time in over 40 years. Commercial vessels and recreational boats would also be allowed to use the wharves.

It is expected that a regular ferry service would operate and take about 20 minutes to travel between La Perouse and Kurnell. The final ferry service and schedule would be confirmed by a future operator.

Does Council have an approval role?

Randwick Council is not the relevant approval authority for this proposal. The project is defined as “State Significant Infrastructure” (SSI) and SSI applications are assessed by the Department of Planning and determined by the Minister for Planning (or their delegate).

An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was exhibited by the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) from July to August 2021.

The project was assessed by the Department and approved as State Significant Infrastructure (SSI) on 27 July 2022. The project was also assessed by the Australian Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. It was approved on 17 March 2023 under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

More information on the State significant Infrastructure project is available from the DPE website.

Submission and Council report links

Council Officers prepared a draft submission on the Kamay Ferry Wharves Project and the associated Environmental Impact Statement. This draft submission was reported to the August 2021 full Council meeting. Changes to this submission following the council meeting were made in accordance with the resolution before the submission was finalised and provided to the Department of Planning.

Randwick Council’s position

Randwick Council has raised concerns about the environmental impact of the project over a number of years.

Given the NSW Government decided to proceed with the project, despite Council objections, Council resolved in June 2023 to work collaboratively with the NSW Government, the La Perouse Local Aboriginal Land Council and the community through the construction phase and afterwards to ensure that the proposal delivers the best outcomes for the community and the environment.

Council resolutions on this project

  • 24 August 2021 RESOLUTION: (Matson/Parker): that Randwick City Council in response to the proposed Kamay Ferry Wharf Project - Minutes
  • 26 April 2022 RESOLUTION: (Veitch/Said) - Risks to the Environment and Human Health from Contamination in Kamay Botany Bay - Minutes
  • 26 July 2022 RESOLUTION: (Veitch/Said) – that Council write to the Federal Minister for Environment, regarding threatened species and the EPBC Act approval - Minutes
  • 28 March 2023 RESOLUTION: (Veitch/Olive) Urgent Business 2/23Cr Philipa Veitch - Kamay Ferry Wharves - State Significant Infrastructure DA - Minutes
  • 27 June 2023 RESOLUTION: (Luxford/Neilson) Kamay Ferry Wharves - State Significant Infrastructure DA SSI-10049 - Minutes

What is the timing for delivery?

From 22 June 2023, construction contractor McConnell Dowell will be on site at La Perouse and Kurnell to start site establishment work.

Main construction work will start in July 2023 and is expected to be completed by late-2024.

How is Transport for NSW engaging with the community?

Transport NSW will provide project updates on their webpage and via email, along with construction notifications delivered to impacted properties.  Community forums will also be held through the project. For further details please see the project website.

Project documents

You can view the documents relating to Kamay ferry wharf Project on the Transport for NSW website.

How can I find out more?

For further information about this project, please contact Transport for NSW:

Last Updated: 10 November 2023
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