Precinct Meetings

Residents and property owners can make a contribution to Council's decision making through local precinct meetings. Find out which precinct area you live in and when your next meeting is.

Which Precinct am I in?

Click here to enter your address and find your local precinct group

Or you can download a map of the current precinct boundaries PDF, 1293.41 KB.

Online Precinct meetings

Some precincts are meeting online via Zoom. To find out if your Precinct is meeting online and to register to attend, see our list below.

Starting a new Precinct

Residents living in an area without an active precinct can form a precinct by expressing an interest with Council. We can help you run the initial meeting where a Precinct Chair and Secretary are elected.

Contact Council’s Community Consultation Officer via or phone 9093 6000.

Precinct Partnership Agreement

The Precinct Partnership Agreement outlines the commitment made between Council and the City’s Precincts to work together to foster community led engagement and is based on 5 key principles of mutual respect, transparency, capacity, focused and informed.

Precinct Partnership Agreement

Rules and procedures

The operation of Precinct Meetings is run in accordance with the Precinct Rules and Procedures document. This document outlines meeting membership, the running of meetings and how Council responds to resolutions.

Precinct Rules and Procedures Policy

Precinct Code of Conduct

The elected executives of each Precinct (typically the chair and secretary) are required to comply with a code of conduct. The Advisory Committees Code of Conduct is a document that applies to committees formed by Council with no delegated functions or decision-making authority such as Precinct Committees, advisory groups and working groups. It outlines standards of behaviour expected of people in these roles.

Having a minimum set of standards for behaviour is designed to ensure integrity, accountability and transparency. It also provides the community and Precinct attendees with confidence in the operation of the Precinct Committees

Advisory Committees Code of Conduct

Precinct meetings

Below are the next precinct meetings, for more dates visit our What's On page.

Last Updated: 21 June 2024
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