Community Investment Program

Randwick City Council is committed to empowering our local individuals, community groups and community organisations by providing targeted financial assistance for ideas, initiatives and services which are needs-based, inclusive, impactful and create a 'sense of community'. 

Since 2009, Council has proudly supported local community initiatives through various grants, donations, and subsidy programs. The Community Investment Program was developed in 2020 with four investment streams.

Applications for Round 2, 2024 closed on 10 June. Round 3 will open in mid-September.

 Round One 2024Round Two 2024Round Three 2024
Applications Open15 January 13 May 19 September
Applications Close18 February10 June 17 October
Assessment Period19 February - 4 March 11 June - 5 July28 Oct - 1 Nov
Council Approval26 March 23 July26 November
Investment DistributionFrom 1 April From 1 August From 1 December
Delivery Period1 April - 30 September 20241 August 2024 - 31 January 20251 December 2024 - 31 May 2025
Acquittal Report Due14 October 202416 February 2025June 2025
Applications Open
Round One 2023
16 January 2023
Round Two 2023
15 May 2023
Round Three 2023
18 September 2023
Applications Close
Round One 2023
19  February 2023
Round Two 2023
11 June 2023
Round Three 2023
15 October 2023
Assessment Period
Round One 2023
20 February - 6 March 2023
Round Two 2023
12 - 26 June 2023
Round Three 2023
16 - 30 October 2023
Council Approval
Round One 2023
28 March 2023
Round Two 2023
25 July 2023
Round Three 2023
28 November 2023
Investment Distribution
Round One 2023
From 1 April 2023
Round Two 2023
From 1 August 2023
Round Three 2023
From 1 December 2023
Delivery Period
Round One 2023
1 April - 30 September 2023
Round Two 2023
1 August 2023 - 31 January 2024
Round Three 2023
1 December 2023 - 31 May 2024
Acquittal Report Due
Round One 2023
16 October 2023
Round Two 2023
19 February 2024
Round Three 2023
17 June 2024
Applications Open
Round One 2023
16 January 2023
Round Two 2023
15 May 2023
Round Three 2023
18 September 2023
Applications Close
Round One 2023
19  February 2023
Round Two 2023
11 June 2023
Round Three 2023
15 October 2023
Assessment Period
Round One 2023
20 February - 6 March 2023
Round Two 2023
12 - 26 June 2023
Round Three 2023
16 - 30 October 2023
Council Approval
Round One 2023
28 March 2023
Round Two 2023
25 July 2023
Round Three 2023
28 November 2023
Investment Distribution
Round One 2023
From 1 April 2023
Round Two 2023
From 1 August 2023
Round Three 2023
From 1 December 2023
Delivery Period
Round One 2023
1 April - 30 September 2023
Round Two 2023
1 August 2023 - 31 January 2024
Round Three 2023
1 December 2023 - 31 May 2024
Acquittal Report Due
Round One 2023
16 October 2023
Round Two 2023
19 February 2024
Round Three 2023
17 June 2024
Applications Open
Round One 2023
16 January 2023
Round Two 2023
15 May 2023
Round Three 2023
18 September 2023
Applications Close
Round One 2023
19  February 2023
Round Two 2023
11 June 2023
Round Three 2023
15 October 2023
Assessment Period
Round One 2023
20 February - 6 March 2023
Round Two 2023
12 - 26 June 2023
Round Three 2023
16 - 30 October 2023
Council Approval
Round One 2023
28 March 2023
Round Two 2023
25 July 2023
Round Three 2023
28 November 2023
Investment Distribution
Round One 2023
From 1 April 2023
Round Two 2023
From 1 August 2023
Round Three 2023
From 1 December 2023
Delivery Period
Round One 2023
1 April - 30 September 2023
Round Two 2023
1 August 2023 - 31 January 2024
Round Three 2023
1 December 2023 - 31 May 2024
Acquittal Report Due
Round One 2023
16 October 2023
Round Two 2023
19 February 2024
Round Three 2023
17 June 2024
Applications Open
Round One 2023
16 January 2023
Round Two 2023
15 May 2023
Round Three 2023
18 September 2023
Applications Close
Round One 2023
19  February 2023
Round Two 2023
11 June 2023
Round Three 2023
15 October 2023
Assessment Period
Round One 2023
20 February - 6 March 2023
Round Two 2023
12 - 26 June 2023
Round Three 2023
16 - 30 October 2023
Council Approval
Round One 2023
28 March 2023
Round Two 2023
25 July 2023
Round Three 2023
28 November 2023
Investment Distribution
Round One 2023
From 1 April 2023
Round Two 2023
From 1 August 2023
Round Three 2023
From 1 December 2023
Delivery Period
Round One 2023
1 April - 30 September 2023
Round Two 2023
1 August 2023 - 31 January 2024
Round Three 2023
1 December 2023 - 31 May 2024
Acquittal Report Due
Round One 2023
16 October 2023
Round Two 2023
19 February 2024
Round Three 2023
17 June 2024
Applications Open
Round One 2023
16 January 2023
Round Two 2023
15 May 2023
Round Three 2023
18 September 2023
Applications Close
Round One 2023
19  February 2023
Round Two 2023
11 June 2023
Round Three 2023
15 October 2023
Assessment Period
Round One 2023
20 February - 6 March 2023
Round Two 2023
12 - 26 June 2023
Round Three 2023
16 - 30 October 2023
Council Approval
Round One 2023
28 March 2023
Round Two 2023
25 July 2023
Round Three 2023
28 November 2023
Investment Distribution
Round One 2023
From 1 April 2023
Round Two 2023
From 1 August 2023
Round Three 2023
From 1 December 2023
Delivery Period
Round One 2023
1 April - 30 September 2023
Round Two 2023
1 August 2023 - 31 January 2024
Round Three 2023
1 December 2023 - 31 May 2024
Acquittal Report Due
Round One 2023
16 October 2023
Round Two 2023
19 February 2024
Round Three 2023
17 June 2024
Applications Open
Current Round
19 September 2022
Round One 2023
16 January 2023
Round Two 2023
15 May 2023
Applications Close
Current Round
16 October 2022
Round One 2023
19  February 2023
Round Two 2023
11 June 2023
Assessment Period
Current Round
17 October - 1 November 2022
Round One 2023
20 February - 6 March 2023
Round Two 2023
12 June - 26 June 2023
Council Approval
Current Round
22 November 2022
Round One 2023
28 March 2023
Round Two 2023
25 July 2023
Investment Distribution
Current Round
1 December 2022
Round One 2023
1 April 2023
Round Two 2023
1 August 2023
Delivery Period
Current Round
1 December 2022 - 31 May 2023
Round One 2023
1 April - 30 September 2023
Round Two 2023
1 August 2023 - 31 January 2024
Acquittal Report Due
Current Round
16 June 2023
Round One 2023
16 October 2023
Round Two 2023
19 February 2024

Note: Different timeframes apply to other funding streams. Please go to the relevant webpages for information on Community Partnerships and Community Sustainable.

Changes to the Community Investment Program

Council recently endorsed some changes to the program guidelines, that will primarily affect applicants seeking fee waivers.

From August 2023, the following options are available:

1. For those that meet the eligibility criteria for Community Connect or Creative and are seeking a fee waiver only (no cash component), please apply through the new Fee Support pathway. This process supersedes the old Rapid Response pathway.

2. For those that meet the eligibility criteria for Community Connect or Creative and are seeking a fee waiver plus cash, please continue to apply during open rounds, in line with the dates above. Requests for cash grants are accepted during open rounds only.

A number of other minor changes have been made to the Community Investment Program. All applicants are advised to familiarise themselves with the new Guidelines, which can be found here for Connect and here for Creative.

Last Updated: 3 July 2024
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