Randwick ClubGRANTS

Randwick City Council, together with the Randwick ClubGRANTS Scheme is inviting local non-profit community groups to apply for funding under the Randwick ClubGRANTS Scheme.

Do you want to be a Community Representative?

Applications close on Thursday 30 May 2024.

We are looking for a Community Representative to join the Randwick ClubGRANTS Committee in an advisory capacity. The Community Representative will provide advice, insight, and a community perspective to help shape the funding recommendations made by the Randwick ClubGRANTS Committee.

Apply now

What is ClubGRANTS?

ClubGRANTS is a state-wide initiative that encourages local clubs with gaming machine profits over $1 million, to contribute towards the provision of front-line projects, programs and services that assist disadvantaged groups and residents in the City of Randwick.

Randwick City Council coordinates and administers the Randwick ClubGRANTS Scheme on behalf of the following local clubs:

  • Coogee Diggers
  • Maroubra Seals Sports and Community Club
  • Matraville RSL Club
  • South Sydney Junior Rugby League Club
  • Randwick Group of Clubs

Who can apply?

Local non-profit community groups and organisations can apply for funding under the following Category 1 sub-categories:

  • Community welfare and social services
  • Community development
  • Community health services
  • Employment assistance services

The ClubGRANTS application process

There is no restriction on the number of applications a group or organisation can submit. However, applications are submitted online.

All applications are received and assessed by the Randwick ClubGRANTS Committee with recommendations for funding made to the Management Boards of the contributing clubs.

Applicants will need to demonstrate how their project, program or service will address the Local Area Priorities that have been identified for the City of Randwick.

Applicants are encouraged to attach supporting documentation, including quotes, to their application.

Local Area Priorities for Randwick

All applications will be assessed against the priorities that have been identified in Council’s Social Needs Study 2021.

  • Targeted youth services
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Domestic and family violence
  • Indigenous communities
  • Housing affordability/homelessness
  • In-home support services

Successful ClubGRANT Applications

Successful ClubGRANT Applications 2023 PDF, 129.96 KB

When to apply

Applications are currently open and will close on Friday 31st May 2024 at 5pm.

The online application form is available here.

All requirements from last year's funding cycle remain the same for the current year.

Read these documents before you apply

Need help with your application?

If you would like to discuss your application proposal or require clarification about the process please contact Susanna Susic on 9093 6677 or email susanna.susic@randwick.nsw.gov.au

More about ClubGRANTS

Further information on ClubGRANTS is available on the ClubsNSW website.

Last Updated: 14 May 2024
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