Direct debit is here for Learn to Swim lessons

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Upgrades & Improvements, Sport

Same great lessons, now with less admin!

Life is busy enough without having to worry about re-enrolments for Learn to Swim. That’s why we are switching to ongoing enrolment.

We’ve heard your feedback and made the process simpler. Your Learn to Swim enrolment will now be ongoing, meaning no more remembering term times, re-enrolment dates, queuing or bulk payment. We are switching to fortnightly direct debit.

You will still have the same flexibility, and you can still cancel anytime. Or if you are on holidays or sick, your permanent place includes four weeks holiday and four sick days. We do ask that you let us know in writing, prior to the start of your holidays.

You can book your ongoing place and set up your direct debit from Tuesday 11 June 2024. The first payment will leave your bank account Monday 22 July 2024 and will be direct debited fortnightly.

We have put together some FAQ’s. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to email us at, or chat with our team at the Swim School reception desk.

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