Malabar Beach

Malabar Beach

1-3R Fishermans Road, Malabar NSW 2036

1-3R Fishermans Road, Malabar NSW 2036

  • Unpatrolled beach
  • Boat ramp

  • No smoking or vaping
  • Alcohol prohibited
  • Dogs prohibited on beach
  • Camping prohibited
  • Fires prohibited
  • Glass prohibited
  • Removal of flora & fauna prohibited

Alcohol prohibited

A permanent alcohol ban applies at this location.

Malabar Beach cam

Beachcam offline?  

Council’s beach cams operate in a difficult environment where sea spray, heavy rainfall, vandalism and storm damage may take the cameras offline for a period of time.  Council automatically monitors availability of the beach cameras however repairs to bring them back online are not always quick and easy.

There is no need to contact Council regarding beach cams being offline as we already know, and rest assured that we are working to bring them back online.


Malabar Beach is one of Randwick City's lesser-known beaches – and the locals like it this way. It features a rock pool located on the southern foreshore below Randwick Golf Club. On the northern side of the bay is a boat ramp and the home base for the Randwick District Offshore Rescue Boat

Cromwell Park is located directly behind the beach where there is a children's playground and public toilets, showers and changerooms.

The beach is popular with families due to the normally placid conditions. Walking, jogging, sunbathing, rock fishing, snorkelling, scuba diving and kayaking are all popular activities.

There are two shipwrecks in the bay, the MV Malabar and the Goolgwai, both popular with divers.

Dogs, alcohol and glass bottles are not permitted on the beach area.

The beach is patrolled between 9am to 5pm from 1 December to 28 February by Randwick City Lifeguards.

The NSW Office of Environment and Heritage Beachwatch program advises as a general precaution to avoid swimming during and for 24-hours after heavy rain. Stormwater runoff from surrounding streets drain to the beach which may pollute the water.


Malabar Beach has become the first beach in Sydney with permanent wheelchair access as part of a project by Randwick City Council, the Lions Club and the Rainbow Club Australia.

Up to 60 metres of specially designed matting can be rolled out upon request, providing easier access for wheelchair users to get closer to the water's edge. It is manufactured by Mobi-mat, is made from 100% recycled plastic and designed to ensure a smooth ride all the way to hard sand. This matting not only will assist people in wheelchairs but also the elderly and parents with prams.

Malabar Beach was chosen for the project given its protection from ocean swell and relative calmness – meaning the matting can be kept in place year round. The beach is also home to an Ocean Pool which is fully wheelchair accessible. Please note, the mat is not installed to provide access into the water.

Read more about the project in our news story

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Last Updated: 30 April 2024
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