Yarra Bay Beach

Yarra Bay Beach

21W Kooringai Avenue, Phillip Bay NSW 2036

21W Kooringai Avenue, Phillip Bay NSW 2036
  • Toilets
  • Car park

  • Unpatrolled beach
  • Disabled toilets

  • No smoking or vaping
  • Alcohol prohibited
  • Dogs prohibited on beach
  • Horses prohibited
  • Camping prohibited
  • Fires prohibited
  • Glass prohibited

Yarra Bay beach cam

Beachcam offline?  

Council’s beach cams operate in a difficult environment where sea spray, heavy rainfall, vandalism and storm damage may take the cameras offline for a period of time.  Council automatically monitors availability of the beach cameras however repairs to bring them back online are not always quick and easy.

There is no need to contact Council regarding beach cams being offline as we already know, and rest assured that we are working to bring them back online.

Alcohol prohibited

A permanent alcohol ban applies at this location.

Save Yarra Bay

The NSW State Government is proposing to build a cruise ship terminal at Yarra Bay which will impact the beach. Randwick Council is opposed to the plan and is working with the Save the Bay Coalition to oppose and stop the proposal. Find out how you can get involved.


Yarra Bay is located on the northern side of Botany Bay in the suburb of Phillip Bay, approximately seven kilometres south of the centre of Sydney. The bay has a south-westerly orientation, making it unique among Sydney beaches. The southern boundary of Yarra Bay is defined by Yarra Point, and Bumborah Point forms the northern limit.

It is a quiet beach ideal for families and swimmers. The Yarra Bay Sailing Club is located adjacent to the beach at one end, and the port at the other.

Yarra Bay House, on Yarra Point, overlooks the beach. It is occupied by the local Aboriginal Land Council. Further along the grassed fore dune area is a sandstone monument commemorating the landing of Governor Philip. It was here on 19 January 1788 that indigenous people directed Governor Phillip to a water source, now named Bunnerong Creek.

Randwick City lifeguards do jet ski patrols of the beach between 1 December to 28 February.

Dogs, alcohol and glass bottles are not permitted on the beach area.

The NSW Office of Environment and Heritage Beachwatch program advises as a general precaution to avoid swimming during and for 24-hours after heavy rain. Stormwater runoff from surrounding streets drain to the beach which may pollute the water.

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Last Updated: 19 June 2024
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