Kensington Park outdoor gym

Kensington Park Outdoor Gym

1 Day Lane, Kensington NSW 2033

1 Day Lane, Kensington NSW 2033
  • Outdoor Gym

Positioned across two areas and surrounded by landscaped lawns, the Kensington Park Outdoor Gym offers a range of low resistance equipment, allowing residents and visitors to get fit whilst enjoying the great outdoors. Its position adjacent to the Kensington Oval also means users can watch a sports game as they exercise. Each piece of gym equipment is made from corrosion-resistant metal and is located on a soft fall rubber surface. Signage is also installed on how to use each piece of equipment.

Positioned across two areas and surrounded by landscaped lawns, the Kensington Park Outdoor Gym offers a range of low resistance equipment, allowing residents and visitors to get fit whilst enjoying the great outdoors. Its position adjacent to the Kensington Oval also means users can watch a sports game as they exercise. Each piece of gym equipment is made from corrosion-resistant metal and is located on a soft fall rubber surface. Signage is also installed on how to use each piece of equipment.

Last Updated: 20 March 2023
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