Jack Vanny Reserve

Jack Vanny Reserve

13R Marine Parade, Maroubra NSW 2035

13R Marine Parade, Maroubra NSW 2035
  • Toilets
  • Showers
  • Changing facilities
  • Car park
  • Litter bin
  • Ocean pool

  • Coastal Walkway
  • Park seat
  • Scenic lookout

  • Alcohol restrictions
  • Golf practice prohibited
  • Camping prohibited
  • Fires prohibited
  • Removal of flora & fauna prohibited

Jack Vanny Reserve is situated on the northern headland of Maroubra Beach and forms a part of the Eastern Beaches Coastal walk. From this open, grassed and rocky reserve, there are spectacular views of Maroubra Beach to the south and Lurline Bay to the north. Steps lead from the middle of the reserve to Mahon Pool which is a popular swimming location and generally a safer and calmer option for children than Maroubra Beach. There’s an offstreet parking area, toilets, bubblers, change rooms and showers.

Jack Vanny Reserve is situated on the northern headland of Maroubra Beach and forms a part of the Eastern Beaches Coastal walk. From this open, grassed and rocky reserve, there are spectacular views of Maroubra Beach to the south and Lurline Bay to the north. Steps lead from the middle of the reserve to Mahon Pool which is a popular swimming location and generally a safer and calmer option for children than Maroubra Beach. There’s an offstreet parking area, toilets, bubblers, change rooms and showers.

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Last Updated: 24 October 2022
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