Cromwell Park(south) Playground

Cromwell Park (South) Playground

4R Dacre Street, Malabar NSW 2036

4R Dacre Street, Malabar NSW 2036
  • Playground
  • Car park
  • Litter bin

  • Playground Fenced
  • Shade structure
  • Park seat

  • No smoking or vaping
  • Alcohol prohibited
  • Dogs prohibited
  • Glass prohibited

Cromwell Park Playground is located at Malabar Beach. It is a nautically themed playground which includes a big kids play gym with monkey bars and a slide. There’s a small kids gym which includes a tunnel, beads and a slide. The beach theme area has a boat and a dolphin bouncing seat. The two swing set includes a baby clip.

Cromwell Park Playground is located at Malabar Beach. It is a nautically themed playground which includes a big kids play gym with monkey bars and a slide. There’s a small kids gym which includes a tunnel, beads and a slide. The beach theme area has a boat and a dolphin bouncing seat. The two swing set includes a baby clip.

The playground is covered with many sail clothes. It is enclosed by a lockable gate and fence. It is close to Malabar Beach, an ocean pool, a small cafe, barbeques, toilets and a walking track along the bay. Parking is usually available on adjacent streets.

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Last Updated: 13 September 2023
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