La Perouse amenities block upgrade

New accessible toilets and outdoor showers to be built

The current amenities block at La Perouse will be upgraded.

The La Perouse headland is a popular spot for many visitors and locals due to the fabulous beach, views, playground, restaurants and cafes.

The La Perouse Headland toilets are a well-used facility due to the number of visitors to the area. Although well-used, the existing headland toilets are very outdated, with substandard fittings and fixtures, which do not meet community expectations. New toilet facilities are required to meet current standards of comfort, cleanliness, accessibility and compliance. This project was identified within the 2018/19 Capital Works Budget and within the “Our Community Our Future” program.

Community consultation about the amenities block will take place.

Scope of work

Reusing and revamping the existing building is a sustainable approach to an aging asset, as it makes use of the current location and is conveniently positioned for beachgoers and visitors.

The proposed works for the upgrade are as follows:

  • New extension to house a unisex accessible toilet
  • Renewal of the interiors – toilets, cubicles, sinks, taps and lighting
  • Reconfiguration of the interior to improve the layout, with the same number of male and female toilets as existing
  • New landscaped setting, including outdoor showers, seating and bike racks
  • Improved lighting and ventilation by removal and reconfiguration of the roof. A new green roof with native planting is being explored as part of the upgrade.

Concept design

The Concept Design was endorsed by Council in March 2021. The full Council report can be read here.

Works to progress the project on this sensitive State Heritage site are ongoing with the relevant authorities.

Would you like further information?

Contact Council’s Major Projects Planning Team on 1300 722 542 or

Last Updated: 9 May 2023
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