Randwick Local Planning Panel

Meeting Process for Public Meeting

If you wish to listen to the Public meeting on Thursday, 11 July 2024 at 1pm. please dial the number below and enter the Conference ID from your phone to enable you to join the public meeting.  Any person is welcome to listen to the public teleconference from a phone.

+61 2 9161 1238,,819286198# Australia, Sydney

1800 570 715,,819286198# Australia (Toll-free)

Find a local number

Phone conference ID: 819 286 198#

How to address the panel at a Public meeting:

If you wish to address the Panel you must register by contacting Council no later than 12 noon at least one day before the meeting via email to submission@randwick.nsw.gov.au.

You will be provided with relevant details to enable you to join the public teleconference once registered. Please note that the number of speakers is restricted to one for and one against on each application. Additional speaker/s may be allowed in special circumstances subject to the approval of Panel’s Chairperson. Any person is welcome to listen to the public teleconference from a phone (if registered).

If you are registered to address the Panel, please be aware of the following process:

  • The Panel’s Chair will make introductions of the other members of the Panel, call for any declarations of interest, read out apologies and set out the meeting process.
  • The Panel will then hear from those who have registered to speak. The Chair will read out the name of the person whose turn it is to speak.
  • The speakers are limited to 3 minutes and can only speak once unless asked questions by the Panel.
  • The Applicant will speak last.
  • Visual presentation materials must be submitted to Council at the point of registration.
  • The speakers will be responsible for sharing the visual presentation with the Panel at the meeting.
  • Please be mindful of not talking over the Chair or another speaker.
  • All participants are to remain silent unless invited by the Chair or other Panel members to speak, those listening or waiting their turn to speak should have their phone or microphones muted. The Chair reserve the rights to remove any uncooperative participants.
  • The meeting is not a debate, it is a forum to allow the panel to hear the community’s concerns.
  • After listening to the speakers, the Chair will ask each panel member if they have any questions of the speakers or the applicant.
  • The Chair will then close the meeting.
  • The decision of the Panel will be published on Council’s web site.

The Panel is required to make an audio record of the public meeting and make the recording publicly available on Council’s website. You should be aware that this may include your personal information if you are presenting to the Panel. The RLPP agenda will be available on Council’s website.

Meeting Process for Electronic Circulation of Paper (Electronic Meeting)

For those applications that do not trigger the need to proceed to a  public meeting, the Panel will determine the applications through circulation of papers. No public  (i.e., applicants, objectors, councillors etc.) will be allowed to participate in the discussion with the panel members.

However, if you wish to respond to a matter that is raised in the RLPP agenda, such as correcting an error of fact or responding to a condition, you may do so in writing prior to the meeting. All written correspondence must be received via email to submission@randwick.nsw.gov.au at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.  The Panel will aim to publish its decision on Council's website within 2 business days after the meeting.

RLPP agenda

The RLPP agendas, minutes and meeting audios are available on Council’s business papers and minutes page.

Changes to Local Planning Panels

On 1 August 2020, the NSW Government made changes to the way Local Planning Panels work to make them more efficient and to improve the assessment and determination times of development applications. These changes were made as part of the Planning Acceleration Program to support the state’s immediate and long-term economic recovery from the COVID-19 crisis.

The changes aim to speed up panel determinations by:

  • reducing the need to conduct public panel meetings for non-contentious matters by applying a ‘10-or-more’ objection trigger for public meetings. All other applications that do not trigger the need to proceed to proceed to a public meeting will be determined  through the electronic  circulation of papers by the Panel.
  • reducing the amount of modifications going to panels
  • obliging panel chairs to more actively manage development applications (DAs) coming to the panels to reduce panel deferrals and assessment timeframes
  • allowing chairs to bring forward determination on DAs that are experiencing unreasonable delays of over 180 days from lodgement
  • introducing panel performance measures.

An Information Sheet with further details about the changes and Frequently Asked Questions is available.

On 24 April 2023, the NSW Government made further changes to the way Local Planning Panels operate to reduce corruption risks and improve decision-making. These changes include:

  • mandating a minimum number of experts in pools for LPPs (15)
  • mandating a minimum number of community representatives in LPP pools (4)
  • requiring LPP members to be rotated regularly to randomise panel membership
  • requiring probity checks, including police checks, for community representatives in LPPs, and a statutory declaration that representatives are not property developers or real estate agents.

An Information Sheet with further details about the recent changes and Frequently Asked Questions is available.

Procedures for Randwick Local Planning Panel

During the Covid-19 pandemic, procedures in relation to the operation of the Randwick Local Planning Panel (the Panel) were changed to ensure the Panel could continue to effectively function and meet its statutory requirements. This involved the Panel holding its public meetings by teleconference via Microsoft Teams in the same manner as the regional planning panel.

The paramount consideration of Council remains the wellbeing of the community, Council staff and Panel members, as well as the efficient operation of the Panel. As such, the Panel Chair has maintained the following procedures to the ongoing operation of Panel meetings:

  • The Panel members will meet face-to-face, however the public meeting will be held by teleconference via Microsoft Teams in the same manner as the regional planning panel.
  • In terms of site inspection, the Chair in consultation with Council Officers will decide whether a site inspection is necessary. All site inspections must observe social distancing rules.
  • People who have made submissions, the Applicant and other participants will be able to attend the public meeting by teleconference. There is no option to attend the meeting in person. The participants who wish to listen to the public meeting or make oral submissions must register their details with Council by 12 noon at least one day before the public meeting. Prior to the public meeting, Council will provide details of how these people can join the meeting, which will normally commence at 1pm. Note: the public are unable to listen in or address the Panel for electronic meetings.
  • The public meeting will be recorded, and this will be placed on Council’s web site following the meeting.

The Chair will close the public meeting and continue the deliberation with other panel members and relevant Council staff via separate teleconference. For those applications that do not trigger the need to proceed to a public meeting, the Panel will determine those matters through the electronic circulation of papers.

NOTE: As advised above, the Randwick Local Planning Panel’s (RLPP) public meetings are held by teleconferencing via Microsoft Teams.

Panel Composition

The Randwick Local Planning  Assessment Panel consists of 4 voting members:
  • a chair
  • two independent expert members; and
  • a community representative


In accordance with a direction issued by the Minister for Planning on the 22 June 2018, the Randwick Development Assessment Panel has been renamed the Randwick Local Planning Panel.

There are no changes to the function of the panel and any reference to the Randwick Development Assessment Panel shall be taken as a reference to the Randwick Local Planning Panel.

The Randwick Local Planning Panel (RLPP) is an Independent Hearing and Assessment Panel that assesses development applications and provides advice on planning proposals.

Independent Hearing and Assessment Panels (known as Local Planning Panels under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (Act)) became mandatory for all councils in Sydney and Wollongong on 1 March 2018. They have been created to ensure that the process of assessing and determining development applications with a high corruption risk, sensitivity or strategic importance is transparent and accountable.

Under the Act, Councillors are no longer able to determine development applications. All development applications must be determined by:


The panel will meet on the 2nd Thursday of every month (excluding January) unless there are insufficient applications/proposals to conduct a meeting. If required, the panel shall also meet on the 4th Thursday of the month.

The meetings will be held during the day, with the public meeting commencing at 1pm. The panel may elect to undertake site visits in the morning before the public meeting commences.


Due to coronavirus precautions updated procedures are at the top of the page.

Applicants and objectors will be notified if an application is going to be heard by the panel and there will be an opportunity at the meeting for one person to speak against and one for the application. There will also be an opportunity for Councillors to address the panel on any application.

Please refer to the Randwick Local Planning Panel Guidelines PDF, 2377.58 KB for detailed procedures.

Panel Members

The four (4) voting members for each panel meeting will be selected by the chair from the following pool:

Chair (1 member appointed)
  • Graham Brown
Expert members (2 members appointed)
  • Helen Lochhead
  • Kevin Hoffmann
  • Brendan Randles
  • Helena Miller
  • David Ryan
Community Representatives (1 member appointed)
  • Clara Hawker
  • Graham Turner
  • Michael Berg
  • Edna Grigoriou
  • Kate Kelly
  • Heather Cappie-Wood
  • Richard Horton
  • Laurie O'Connor
  • Zorifa Kuypers
  • Stephanie Schofield

In accordance with the direction issued by the minister, panel members are not permitted to discuss any matter that is to be considered by the panel with councillors, the applicant, their consultants, submitters or any other person with and interest in the matter outside of the panel meeting. This does not apply to Council staff involved in the assessment of the application.

To find out more about the panel members and view their declarations of interest use this link

Referral criteria

The NSW minister for planning has issued directions detailing the referral criteria and procedural requirements for local planning panels. These directions are available through the NSW Department of Planning and Environment’s website. The key triggers for referral to the RLPP are summarised below:

Conflict of Interest

Development for which the applicant or land owner is the council, a councillor, a member of council planning staff, a member of Parliament, or a relative of the listed persons. Note: this criteria does not apply to certain minor development types; however, it does apply to footway dining where council is the landowner.

Contentious development

Development that is the subject of 10 or more unique submissions by way of objection.

Departure from standards

Development that contravenes a development standard by more than 10%

Sensitive development

  • Designated development
  • Development to which SEPP 65 applies
  • Development involving the demolition of a heritage item
  • Development for the purpose of new licenced premises that will require a club license, hotel (general bar) license or on-premises licenses.
  • Development for the purpose of sex services premises and restricted premises
  • Development applications for which the developer has offered to enter into a planning agreement

Modification Applications

  • Modifications made under section 4.55 (2) (formerly section 96 (2)) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (Act) for the modification of development consents granted by the Panel that:
    • propose amendments to a condition of development consent recommended in the Council assessment report but which was amended by the Panel, or
    • propose amendments to a condition of development consent that was not included in the Council assessment report but which was added by the Panel, or
    • meet the criteria for development applications relating to conflict of interest, contentious development or departure from development standards.
  • The function of determining applications to modify development consents made under Section 4.56 of the EP&A Act where the proposed modification is not of minimal environmental impact and the original development consent was granted by the Land and Environment Court of New South Wales after the development application to which the consent relates was determined by the Randwick Local Planning Panel.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I address the panel at the meeting?

Yes; there will be an opportunity for one person to speak against and one person to speak for an application at the public meeting. Unless the Panel otherwise permits, no speaker may address the panel for more than 3 minutes.

A person wishing to speak against an application or proposal must have already lodged a written submission on the subject application OR must provide a written summary (no longer than one A4 page) of the matters upon which they wish to address the Panel. Council must receive this summary by noon the day before the meeting.

How do I register my intention to address the panel?

Any person wishing to address the Panel must register their intention to do so with Council's Administrative Staff on 9093 6818 no later than 12 noon on the day BEFORE the meeting.

Can I request that an application be considered by the panel?

No. The legislation specifies what DAs are to be determined by the panel.

Can I contact my local councillors regarding a development application?

Yes; however legislation specifies what DAs are to be determined by the panel so councillors cannot request that an application be referred to the panel. If an application is being determined by the panel, there will be an opportunity for councillors to address the panel at the public meeting.

Can I contact the community representative on the panel?

No; panel members are not permitted to discuss any matter that is to be considered by the panel outside of the panel meeting.

Where will the panel meeting be held?

The public meeting will be held online via Microsoft Teams.

What happens to my application if it was submitted before the 1 March 2018?

If it meets the criteria for referral to the panel it will be referred to the panel for determination; otherwise it will be determined under staff delegation.

Last Updated: 2 July 2024
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