Skips, cranes & hoardings

Approval for hoardings, cranes, hoists and skip bins

Approval must be obtained from Council to carry out a number of activities in a public place (in accordance with section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993), including:

  • Installation of a temporary hoarding, safety fence or other barriers on the footway, nature strip or public road during demolition or building work.
  • Operation of a crane, hoist or concrete pump over a public road or footway.
  • Placement of a waste storage container or skip bin on a public road, footway, nature strip or public place.
  • Placement of a shipping container or any other article or enclosure on a road, footway or public place.

To obtain approval from Council, an application form must be submitted to Council's Health, Building & Regulatory Services department together with information about the proposed activity and relevant application fees.

Applications will be assessed against relevant matters for consideration, including public safety, traffic management, pedestrian safety and convenience, environmental amenity, and any relevant Regulations, Standards and Guidelines relating to the activity.

If the proposed activity is considered to be acceptable, a written approval will be provided to the applicant.  The approval generally includes a number of standard and specific conditions which must be complied with.

A number of waste skip bin providers currently have an annual approval to place their waste skip bins on Council's roadways up until 30 June 2025 (subject to specific conditions and limitations).

Company Name

Phone Number

Purple Cow Industries Pty  Ltd1300 131 918
W Skips1300 975 477
Just Skip Bins Pty Ltd1800 626 388
M Waste Pty Ltd0448 010 101
Brown Bros Skip Bins02 9999 6466
7 Skips1300 701 701
Bingo Industries1300 424 646
Empire Bins02 9311 4745 or 0413 389 124
Freddy's Skip Bins1300 455 633
Aussie Skips1300 110 011
Combined Skips02 9545 2627 or 0418 298 830

How to lodge an application

To make an application, please complete the relevant Local Approval application form.

Applications, together with relevant fees, may be lodged at Council's Customer Service Centre or via email to

For further information please contact Council on 1300 722 542.

Failure to obtain the required approval from Council or to comply with the terms and conditions of an approval is an offence under the Local Government Act 1993, which may result in legal proceedings or issue of a notice, order or penalty infringement notice.

Other requirements

Relevant approvals, licences and permits are also required to be obtained from other relevant Public Authorities, Agencies and Service Providers (for example Transport for NSW, NSW PoliceSydney Buses, Airservices Australia, Telstra, Ausgrid and AGL.)

If the proposed activity is to be carried out upon, or impacts upon, any State or Regional Road, applicants are advised to consult with NSW Roads & Maritime Services, NSW Police and Council's Integrated Transport Department, as soon as possible, to ensure that the relevant approvals and permits are obtained beforehand.

A Traffic Control Plan is also required to be submitted to Council if the activity impacts upon traffic flow or results in the closure of all or part of a roadway.

Last Updated: 11 July 2024
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