Planning proposals

Rezoning proposals

Preparation of a planning proposal (formerly known as rezoning proposal) is required as part of the plan making process to amend the Local Environmental Plan.

A planning proposal is a document prepared by the Council which explains the intended outcomes and justification for a proposed environmental planning instrument such as a local environmental plan (LEP). A planning proposal may deal with a minor change to an existing LEP or it may aim to introduce a new precinct or municipal-wide LEP. In the case of a minor LEP change, a planning proposal may seek to allow different land uses for a property or to change development standards such as a maximum building height or floor space ratio. The Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 sets out the legislative requirements for the preparation of planning proposals.

Applicants should visit the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure website to view information about the local environmental plan making process.

A rezoning is a change to the zone of a parcel of land. This can increase or decrease the range of permissible uses for a site or change the development standards that are applicable. Land can only be rezoned through a formal amendment to the RLEP.

The following fact sheet provides more detail on the rezoning process in Randwick City:

Council encourages prospective applicants to discuss their proposals with strategic planning staff as early as possible and to seek feedback on matters that are specific to their proposal.

Use the following application form to arrange a meeting with strategic planning staff:

Use the following application form for consent to rezone land:

Randwick LEP 2012  - proposed amendments (planning proposals)

Amendments to the LEP are made from time to time to rezone land or amend the Plan's provisions. Like the Plan itself, amendments must be formally gazetted in the Government Gazette. Current Proposals are listed below.

Planning Proposal – 11A Marcel Avenue, Coogee

At the Council Meeting on 28 June 2022 Council resolved, among other things, to exhibit a planning proposal to list 11A Marcel Avenue, Coogee, as a local heritage item under Schedule 5 of the Randwick Local Environmental Plan 2012, and to extend the existing Moira Crescent Heritage Conservation Area to incorporate 11A Marcel Avenue.

The planning proposal will be on exhibition for comment from Wednesday 12 October until Wednesday 9 November 2022.

The Planning Proposal and accompanying heritage study can be viewed at:

  • Council’s Customer Service Centre, 30 Frances Street Randwick, between 8.30am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday
    Bowen Library, 669-673 Anzac Parade, Maroubra during library hours
  • Malabar Library, 1203 Anzac Parade, Matraville during library hours
  • Randwick Library, Level 1, Royal Randwick Shopping Centre, Randwick during library hours
  • Council’s Your Say webpage at:

Comments can be made online via our Your Say website or submitted in writing either via email to or by post to the General Manager, Randwick City Council, 30 Frances Street, Randwick NSW 2031. Comments should be headed ‘11A Marcel Avenue, Coogee, Heritage Item’. Submissions must be received by 5pm, Wednesday 9 November 2022.

Planning Proposal - Nos 1 and 3 Berwick Street Coogee

At the Council Meeting on 13 December 2022 Council resolved to exhibit a planning proposal to list 1 and 3 Berwick Street, Coogee, as local heritage items under Schedule 5 of the Randwick Local Environmental Plan 2012.

The planning Proposal was on exhibition from 17 April until 12 May 2023.

A report to Council on the exhibition outcomes for 1 Berwick Street Coogee is going to the full Council meeting on 27 June 2023.

Randwick Comprehensive Planning Proposal

The Draft Randwick Comprehensive Planning Proposal has been prepared to update Randwick Local Environmental Plan 2012 in accordance with the policy approach of the State Government’s Standard Instrument LEP, which encourages Councils to undertake a comprehensive update of planning instruments to ensure they are in line with the strategic directions and planning priorities of the Greater Sydney Region Plan (A Metropolis for Three Cities), Eastern City District Plan and Randwick Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS).

UPDATE: Timing of finalisation of Comprehensive Planning Proposal

The Department was originally working towards finalisation and gazettal of the amended LEP prior to end of 2022, however Council has received a request for additional information from the Department of Planning and Environment. This additional information is required for the Department to finalise their assessment, ahead of the drafting and gazettal of the LEP amendment. The current requests for further information from Council will mean the new timeframe for gazettal of the LEP changes will be in the first half of this year. This revised timeframe is also subject to further change, depending on the outcome of investigations and subject to Council’s response to the issues raised.

Council is currently working through the additional information request.

Final Comprehensive Planning Proposal – Submission to Department of Planning and Environment

The Final Comprehensive Planning Proposal was submitted to the Department of Planning and Environment on 20 September 2022 for formal approval and finalisation.

Gazettal is expected to take place in the coming months. You can keep up to date on the status of the Planning Proposal on the Departments website here.

You can view the Final Comprehensive Planning Proposal and supporting documents below.

Draft Comprehensive Planning Proposal – Extraordinary Council Meeting and Rescission Motion

The Draft Comprehensive Planning Proposal was considered and voted and endorsed by Councillors at the Extraordinary Council Meeting on the 30th of August and the Rescission Motion Meeting on September 6th.  For more information on the Council Meeting use this link.  A summary of the endorsed Comprehensive Planning Proposal and changes can be viewed here.

The Council business paper and meeting minutes can be viewed using this link.

Draft Comprehensive Planning Proposal – Post Exhibition and Extraordinary Council Meeting

Public consultation for the Draft Comprehensive Planning Proposal is now closed.

Submissions have been reviewed and considered and where appropriate, recommendations have been made for amendments to the Comprehensive Planning Proposal following public exhibition.

The post exhibition Comprehensive Planning Proposal will be considered at Council's Extraordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday 30 August 2022 at 6pm at the Prince Henry Centre. Use this link to view the business paper.

This meeting will be recorded (audio only) and streamed on the night of the meeting. Use this link to listen to Live Council meetings

You can view the post exhibition Comprehensive Planning Proposal and supporting documents here.

Meriton Planning Proposal – 1406-1408 Anzac Parade, Little Bay

June 2021 update – Decision

On Friday 18 June, the Sydney Eastern City Planning Panel handed down its decision, voting unanimously to refuse the proposal proceeding to Gateway Determination (public exhibition).

The Panel found that the proposal does not have strategic or site specific merit. The Panel raised a number of issues in the Record of Decision including that the proposed scale and density is inappropriate for the site, there is no State Government commitment to future public transport connections to warrant the proposed development intensity and that the proposal will have significant impacts on the amenity of the local area.

Council resolved to not support this proposal proceeding to Gateway Determination in June 2020 based on a number of reasons as outlined in the Council officers’ assessment report. This unanimous decision confirms Council’s position that the proposal is inconsistent with Council’s future planning and will have significant impacts on local transport and amenity.

You may view Council’s media release here.

You may view the Panel’s Record of Decision here.

June 2021 update

On the 3 June 2021, Council officers attended a final briefing of the Sydney Eastern City Planning Panel to present the reasons why the proposal is not supported by Council and the Randwick Local Planning Panel.

The briefing was attended by representatives from the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment and the Proponent, who also briefed the Panel.  

The Panel will determine whether the proposal has strategic and site-specific merit and if the proposal should be submitted for Gateway Determination (public exhibition).

A decision is expected to be handed down by close of business on Friday 18 June 2021.

Council will update this this webpage as soon as a decision is made available. Details of the Panels decision will also be available on the Department’s Planning Portal.

April 2021 update

The Sydney Eastern City Planning Panel has invited Council to a briefing to be held on 29 April 2021.

Representatives from the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Heritage NSW and the Proponent will also be briefing the Panel on this date.

A subsequent site inspection will also be undertaken by the Panel. The briefing and site inspection are not open to the public.

Following the site inspection, the Panel will then determine whether the proposal has strategic and site-specific merit and should be submitted for Gateway Determination (public exhibition).

The rezoning review documentation may be viewed on the Department’s Planning Portal.

Once further information becomes available, Council will update this page.

August 2020 update

At the June Ordinary Council meeting held on the 23 June 2020, Council resolved to not support the Planning Proposal proceeding to Gateway determination (public exhibition) based on a number of reasons as outlined in Council officers’ report and the advice of the Randwick Local Planning Panel. This assessment report and council resolution are available to view on the business papers and minutes page.

Meriton submitted a rezoning review request to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (the Department) in late April 2020, which the Department accepted following the Council resolution to not support the proposal proceeding to Gateway determination.

This rezoning review will be carried out independently by the Sydney Eastern City Planning Panel who will determine whether the proposal has sufficient strategic and site-specific merit to proceed to Gateway determination. Council has already provided its comments to the Panel, indicating the reasons why the proposal was not supported by Council and the Randwick Local Planning Panel. The rezoning request documentation, including Council’s response may be viewed on the Department’s LEPs Online System website.

The date for the Sydney City Eastern Planning Panel meeting is yet to be set. Once further information comes to hand, we will update this webpage.

June 2020 update

On 10 June 2020 the Randwick Local Planning Panel reviewed Council’s assessment of the Planning Proposal and advised Council that it does not support it proceeding to Gateway Determination based on a number of reasons as outlined in the minutes of the meeting. The assessment report and minutes of the meeting are available to view on the business papers and minutes page.

Council officers have now prepared a report (incorporating the Panel’s advice) to be considered at Council’s June Ordinary Meeting on Tuesday 23 June 2020. At this meeting, Council will determine whether the proposal has strategic merit to proceed to Gateway Determination, considering the assessment report prepared by Council officers and the advice of the Randwick Local Planning Panel. The agenda of the meeting including the report’s recommendation is now available on the business papers and minutes page.

At this stage, the proposal and supplementary planning statement is not on public exhibition. We will update this webpage as the assessment progresses.

April 2020 update

A supplementary planning statement including an alternative concept scheme was submitted to Council on 20 March 2020 to support the planning proposal lodged on 4 September 2019. It seeks to address some of the key issues identified by Council from the preliminary assessment undertaken in November 2020.

The supplementary planning statement, alternative concept scheme and supporting documentation are available to view below. Council is required to undertake an assessment of the alternative concept scheme and supplementary information to consider if it has strategic merit to proceed to public exhibition and community consultation i.e Gateway determination. At this stage, the proposal and supplementary planning statement is not on public exhibition. We will update this webpage as the assessment progresses.

A Planning Proposal for land at 1406 -1408 Anzac Parade, Little Bay (also known as ‘Little Bay Cove’) was formally lodged with Council on 4 September 2019.

The planning proposal documents are available to view below. The proposal is not formally on public exhibition. Council is required to assess a planning proposal that is lodged with Council to consider if it has strategic merit to proceed to public exhibition and community consultation.

Council has recently endorsed a Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) and Housing Strategy which outline the community’s vision for land use over the next 20 years for all land within Randwick City.

The Housing Strategy identifies the Little Bay Cove site only for its remaining capacity under the existing approval of 450 dwellings of which approximately 224 dwellings have been constructed. The two documents were on public exhibition until 5 November 2019.
A preliminary assessment of the planning proposal lodged on 4 September 2019 has been undertaken. A number of significant key issues were identified and these have been provided to Meriton for their consideration and response.

Key issues from the preliminary assessment:

  • Unrealistic public transport assumptions used to justify the proposal;Lack of certainty of any mass transit transport system servicing the site in the medium term and the long term and is subject to future detailed planning investigations;
  • Concern about the incompatibility of the proposed heights with the scenic coastal area;
  • Impact on views, particularly from Little Bay Beach and Malabar Headland; and
  • Impact on the critically endangered Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub, open space, and the significant Aboriginal ochre site located nearby.

Once Meriton responds to the issues that have been raised, we will undertake a further assessment of the proposal. A report will then be prepared for the Randwick Local Planning Panel and a meeting of Council.

At the Council Meeting, Councillors will decide whether to forward the planning proposal to the Department of Planning, Infrastructure and Environment for their endorsement for it to proceed to public exhibition.

The applicant is able to seek a review of a decision not to allow the proposal to proceed to public exhibition.  A review would likely be carried out by the Sydney Planning Panel, a State Government appointed panel of experts which includes a local government representative. The applicant is also able to request a review if Council does not make a decision within 90 days of the applicant submitting a planning proposal. Meriton have advised that they will not be seeking a Gateway review at this stage, to allow them time to respond to the various issues.


1408 Anzac Parade, Little Bay

Amend Randwick LEP 2012 to:
-  Include ‘hotel or motel accommodation’ and ‘medical centres’ as additional permitted uses on the site
-  Apply a maximum FSR of 2:1 to the R1 zone
-  Apply building heights across the site of 8.5m to 73m

Application lodged on 4 September 2019.

Under assessment by Council.

Planning Proposal Submission:

Supplementary planning statement, alternative concept scheme and supporting information submitted 20 March 2020:

RZ/3/2017Bumborah Point, Port Botany

Amend Randwick LEP to include "cemetery" as an additional permitted use.

Council initially received the application in December 2017. On 17 June 2019 Council received an amended planning proposal which was reported to the Randwick Local Planning Panel on 12 September 2019.

At the Council meeting held on  22 October 2019 Council resolved to support the Planning proposal. In response to this resolution on 28 October 2019 Council forwarded the Planning proposal to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment requesting gateway determination.

The Planning proposal was reported to the Council meeting on 22 October 2019. To view the Council's report please visit: Ordinary Council Meeting - 22 October 2019.

To view the Planning Proposal and Council's report to the RLPP please visit: Randwick Local Planning Panel Meeting - 12 September 2019.

Planning Proposal - June 2019:

Amended Planning Proposal

Amended Heritage Assessment (August 2019)

 39 Dudley Street, Coogee

An Interim Heritage Order to protect the property from demolition

On 8 October 2018 an Interim Heritage Order was gazetted for the property, applying for six months from this date.

The legal effect of an Interim Heritage Order made by a local Council is that approval is required for any development for the life of the order and demolition is prohibited during that period.

 148 Brook Street, Coogee
An Interim Heritage Order to protect the property from demolition

On 10 December 2018 an Interim Heritage Order was gazetted for the property, applying for six months from this date.

The legal effect of an Interim Heritage Order made by a local Councils is that approval is required for any development for the life of the order and demolition is prohibited during that period.


Edgecumbe Estate Heritage Conservation Area

Amend Schedule 5 of the Randwick LEP 2012 to include the new Edgecumbe Estate Heritage Conservation Area (HCA) incorporating  37 Dudley Street, 39 Dudley Street, 41 Dudley Street, 142A Brook Street, 144 Brook Street, 146 (referred to as 146A and 146B) Brook Street, 148 Brook Street, 150 Brook Street, 152 Brook Street and 5 Edgecumbe Avenue and to list properties 39 & 41 Dudley Street and 148 Brook Street as local heritage items.

On 15 May 2019, Council received ‘Gateway determination’ from the NSW Department of Planning and Environment to support the planning proposal subject to conditions. The planning proposal will be on public exhibition from Tuesday 28 May 2019 to Tuesday 25 June 2019.

The NSW Department of Planning and Environment will be the plan-making authority for the finalisation of this Planning Proposal.

The post exhibition report for this proposal was reported to Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 17 September 2019. Council resolved to support the Planning Proposal after a Rescission Motion on this matter was lost at the Extraordinary Council Meeting on 24 September 2019.

Council will now forward the Planning Proposal to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment for finalisation.


18-26 Ascot Street, Kensington

Amend Randwick LEP to increase building heights and introduce a FSR control across the site to facilitate a boarding house intended for Purpose Built Student Accommodation.

Council received the application on 16 January 2019. The planning proposal was reported to the Randwick Local Planning Panel (RLPP) on 11 July 2019. To view the Planning Proposal and Council's report to the RLPP please visit: Randwick Local Planning Panel Meeting 11 July 2019
RZ/2/2017819-829 Anzac Parade, Maroubra

Amend Randwick LEP 2012 to:

- Include ‘boarding house’ and ‘restaurant/cafĂ©’ as additional permissible uses with consent on the site 
- Apply a maximum height limit of 22m across the site
- Apply a floor space ratio (FSR) of 1.6:1 across the site; and
- Remove the local heritage listing of ‘Corio House’ (Item No 1202) as identified in Schedule 5- Environmental Heritage.
On 27 November 2018 Council resolved to not support the Planning Proposal.
RZ/3/2016391-397A Anzac Parade &
17 Bunnerong Road, Kingsford

Amend Randwick LEP to increase the permissible height control to 58m and increase the permissible FSR to 8:1
On 11 October 2016, Council resolved not to support the planning proposal.

The proponent sought a pre-Gateway review from the Minister for Planning. On 2 February 2017, the JRPP determined that the planning proposal should not proceed to Gateway Determination. Further information can be obtained from the website of the NSW Planning Panels.
RZ/1/2016148 Barker Street, Randwick

Amend Randwick LEP to rezone the site to B1 Neighbourhood Centre, increase the maximum height to 18m and remove the applicable FSR
On 11 July 2017, Council resolved not to support the planning proposal.

270 Malabar Road, Maroubra

Amend Schedule 1 of Randwick LEP 2012 to include child care centre as a permitted use on the site

This Planning Proposal including all attachments was on public exhibition between Tuesday 29 March and Friday 29 April 2016. The amendment to the LEP came into effect on 15 July 2016.

Background information:
Council Report PDF, 282.83 KB
Gateway Determination PDF, 73.54 KB
Council Resolution PDF, 17.96 KB
Planning Proposal PDF, 8647.97 KB


1T Romani Way, Matraville

Rezone land from SP2 Infrastructure to R3 Medium Density Residential with a proposed maximum height limit of 9.5m and maximum FSR of 0.75:1

Council resolved not to support the planning proposal on 8 September 2015. The proponent has sought a pre-Gateway review from the Minister for Planning.

On 26 October 2016, the Department of Planning & Environment issued a Gateway Determination. The Planning Proposal was placed on public exhibition from 22 February to 23 March 2017. The LEP amendment came into effect on 25 January 2018.

Further information can be obtained from the website of the NSW Planning & Environment.

84-108 Anzac Parade, Kensington

Amend the maximum height permissible on the site to part 34m and part 41.5m

Council resolved not to support the planning proposal. The proponent sought a pre-Gateway Review from the Minister for Planning & Environment. Further information can be can be obtained from the website of the NSW Planning Panels.

The JRPP resolved on the 3 December 2015 that the Planning Proposal should not proceed to Gateway Determination and the pre-Gateway review has been refused by the Department of Planning & Environment.

137-151 Anzac Parade, Kensington

Amend Randwick LEP 2012 to increase the permissible height control to 83m and the maximum FSR of 7:1 for the subject land

On 22 March 2016 Council resolved not to support the Planning Proposal.

The proponent sought a pre-Gateway review from the Minister for Planning. On 11 October 2016, the JRPP resolved that the Planning Proposal should not proceed to Gateway Determination. Further information can be obtained from the website of the NSW Planning Panels.

395, 397-397A Anzac Parade, Kensington &
17 Bunnerong Road, Kingsford

Amend Randwick LEP 2012 to increase the height permissible on the land to 65m and to increase the permissible FSR to 8:1

Council resolved not to support the Planning Proposal.

The proponent sought a pre-Gateway review from the Minister for Planning. On 7 December 2015, the JRPP resolved that the Planning Proposal should not proceed to gateway determination and the pre-Gateway review has been refused by the Department of Planning & Environment. Further information can be obtained from the website of the NSW Planning Panels.

111-125 Anzac Parade, Kensington

Amend Randwick LEP 2012 to increase the maximum height on the site to 85m and the maximum FSR of 7:1

On 22 March 2016 Council resolved not to support the Planning Proposal.

The proponent sought a pre-Gateway Review from the Minister for Planning. On 11 October 2016, the JRPP resolved that the Planning Proposal should not proceed to Gateway Determination. Further information can be obtained from the website of the NSW Planning Panels.
RLEP Amendment No. 6Dudley Street Heritage Conservation Area Boundary Extension and Inclusion of Local Heritage Items

Extend the Dudley Street Heritage Conservation Area boundary to incorporate 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 Dudley Street and 122 Mount Coogee, and to list 38, 42 and 44 Dudley Street and 122 Mount Street, Coogee as local heritage items.
Amendment No. 6 was gazetted on 22 February 2019.
Randwick LEP (Am.No.5)Minimum Subdivision Lot Size and Attached Dual Occupancy Development in R2 Low Density Residential Zone

Amendment No. 5 PDF, 133.8 KB was gazetted on 17 August 2018 to allow the subdivision of existing attached dual occupancies (with development consents approved prior to 6 July 2018) in the R2 Low Density Residential zone. Development consent may be granted for the subdivision of a dual occupancy (attached) with a development consent granted before the 6 July 2018, if the development meets the subdivision standards contained in the State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2018:

Information regarding the steps required to gain approval for subdivision are provided in the fact sheet - LEP Amendment No. 5 – Subdivision (attached dual occupancies) PDF, 353.11 KB.

Last Updated: 25 June 2024
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