Randwick Comprehensive Planning Proposal

The Draft Randwick Comprehensive Planning Proposal (the Planning Proposal) was prepared to update the Randwick Local Environmental Plan 2012 in accordance with the policy approach of the State Government’s Standard Instrument LEP, which encourages Councils to undertake a comprehensive update of planning instruments to ensure they are in line with the strategic directions and planning priorities of the Greater Sydney Region Plan (A Metropolis for Three Cities), Eastern City District Plan and Randwick Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS).

UPDATE: Timing of finalisation of Comprehensive Planning Proposal

On 18 August 2023, the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) formally notified the LEP amendment updating the Randwick Local Environment Plan 2012.

The updated LEP commenced on 1st September 2023. This means that any development application lodged on or after the 1st September 2023 will be assessed against the updated LEP. The finalised list of amendments to the LEP can be found here.

In addition to the LEP, Randwick Council’s Development Control Plan (DCP) Stage 1 will also commence on 1st September 2023, providing updated design controls for low density development and new controls for the Housing Investigation Areas (HIAs). Click here for further information on the updated Stage 1 DCP.

Final Comprehensive Planning Proposal – Submission to Department of Planning and Environment

The Final Comprehensive Planning Proposal was submitted to the Department of Planning and Environment on 20 September 2022 for formal approval and finalisation.

You can view the Final Comprehensive Planning Proposal and supporting documents below.

Draft Comprehensive Planning Proposal – Extraordinary Council Meeting and Rescission Motion

The Draft Comprehensive Planning Proposal was considered and voted on by Councillors at the Extraordinary Council Meeting on the 30th of August. The majority of the Planning Proposal was endorsed as exhibited by Councillors with some changes being made to Housing Investigation Areas, Minimum lot size standards and Rezoning Requests. A rescission motion was received in relation to the minimum lot size standards for dual occupancies and subdivision as well as the rezoning request originally voted against at the previous Council Meeting.

Councillors met again at an Extraordinary Council Meeting on the 6th of September which resulted in the endorsement and support of the originally recommended changes for the abovementioned components of the Comprehensive Planning Proposal. A summary of the endorsed Comprehensive Planning Proposal and changes can be viewed here.

The Council business paper and meeting minutes can be viewed using this link.

You can view the post exhibition Comprehensive Planning Proposal and supporting documents below.

Draft Comprehensive Planning Proposal 

The Draft Comprehensive Planning Proposal and supporting documents are on public exhibition from 31 May to 12 July 2022. You can view the documents below.

We understand that some people have legitimate concerns about increasing populations and densities. Council shares these concerns and we have been vocal in objecting to NSW State Government housing targets. But the reality is we don’t have a choice. We are under direction from the NSW State Government to meet housing targets of 4,464 new dwellings in the next 6-10 years. To limit the impact of these housing targets, our draft Planning Proposal proposes that additional housing is located in areas close to public transport, jobs and shops.  We have put considerable research and consultation into the LEP review process and would like to hear your thoughts and views prior to making a final decision.

For an overview of proposed changes, including access to our interactive map, information sheets and FAQs, or to find out how to make a submission, visit Council’s website at www.yoursay.randwick.nsw.gov.au/LEP2022.

Gateway Determination

The Planning Proposal was reported to the Extraordinary Council meeting on Tuesday 1 June 2021. At this meeting, Council resolved to support the Planning Proposal being forwarded to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) for Gateway Determination. The Planning Proposal was submitted to DPIE for Gateway Determination on 30 June 2021.

The Draft Planning Proposal and attachments submitted to the Department for Gateway Determination may be viewed below:

On 12 September 2021, the Executive Director, Eastern Harbour City at the Department, as delegate of the Minister issued a Gateway Determination for the amendment of Randwick Local Environmental Plan 2012 (LEP), subject to a number of conditions. As a result of these conditions, amendments to the Planning Proposal and supporting documentation are required. These amendments include the deletion of certain LEP provisions that were not supported by DPIE, inclusion of additional information or clarification to support certain proposed amendments and inclusion of new amendments as a result of recent State Government policy changes.

The conditional Gateway Determination was reported to Councillors at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 26 October 2021. At this meeting, Council endorsed the inclusion of the following amendments to the Planning Proposal and supporting documentation:

  • Inclusion of the Department's Employment Zones Reform Framework;
  • Inclusion of further justification for proposed heritage items and the expansion of the Moira Crescent Heritage Conservation Area;
  • Inclusion of additional commentary on several Ministerial Directions;
  • Confirmation of FSRs in two Housing Investigation Areas (HIAs);
  • Inclusion of information relating to developer costs in association with the Draft Affordable Housing Plan for the HIAs; and
  • Clarification of the term ‘maker spaces’.

Gateway Review

The Gateway Determination contains several conditions that require the removal of aspects of the draft Planning Proposal relating to short-term accommodation (Condition 1.b), local character (Condition 1.c) and the rezoning of 1903R Botany Road, Matraville (Condition 1.d). The Gateway Determination also imposes conditions relating to the timing of the remaining steps in the planning proposal process, including public exhibition and finalisation (Condition 8 & 9).

On the basis that Council thinks these conditions should be reconsidered, at its meeting on 26 October 2021 Council endorsed that a Gateway Review of conditions 1.b), 1.c), 1.d), 8 and 9 be sought.

Council’s Gateway Review submission was submitted to the Department on 5 November 2021.

Full details on the Gateway Determination, Gateway Review and explanation of changes are available in the report to Council here (CP68/21).

The Department referred Council’s Gateway Review to the Independent Planning Commission (Commission) Panel for advice. Council officers briefed the Panel on these matters in late January.

The Commission Panel review supported one of the three items. In line with the Panel advice, the Department amended the Gateway Determination to remove Condition 1.d requiring the deletion of the proposed rezoning of 1903R Botany Road, Matraville. However, the request to remove Condition 1.b relating to short-term rental accommodation and Condition 1.c relating to local character was not supported.

Full details on the Gateway Determination and Gateway Review are available in the 26 October 2021 and 22 March 2022 reports to Council.

Next steps and timing

  • Report Post Exhibition Report and final Planning Proposal to Council – Extraordinary Council meeting - 30 August 2022
  • Submit final Planning Proposal to DPE – September/October 2022
  • Planning Proposal is finalised and LEP gazetted by DPE – December 2022

The Council resolutions in relation to the Planning Proposal may be viewed below:

  • Extraordinary Council meeting (1 June 2021) - Minutes
  • Rescission motion on Comprehensive Planning Proposal - Heritage Conservation (29 June 2021) - Minutes
  • Ordinary Council meeting (26 October 2021) - Minutes
  • Ordinary Council meeting (22 March 2022) - Minutes
  • Ordinary Council Meeting (26 April 2022) - Minutes
  • Extra Ordinary Council Meeting (3 May 2022) - Minutes

The Planning Proposal and supporting documentation may also be viewed on the Department of Planning and and Environment’s Planning Portal.

Last Updated: 22 September 2023
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