Randwick Junction Town Centre

Current view looking south down Belmore Road, the main street of the town centre

Looking down Belmore Road in Randwick Junction Town Centre

Randwick Junction Town Centre Strategy

The Randwick Junction Town Centre (RJTC) Strategy was endorsed by Council in August 2020 and has guided the preparation of the RJTC Urban Design Report and the RJTC Planning Proposal. The planning review has been informed by stakeholder consultation with businesses, institutions, and schools, and feedback received directly via the project webpage from the broader community. The consultation informed the preparation of the RJTC Review Issues Paper and the RJTC Strategy. The Strategy identified public benefits including improvements to the town centre’s public domain, promoted key laneway activation, and identified sustainable strategies for environmental conservation and design.

A copy of the RJTC Strategy (2020) can be found here.

Randwick Junction Town Centre Urban Design Report

The Urban Design Report describes Council’s strategic planning and urban design approach for the town centre for the next 15-20 years. The report identifies the most appropriate built form response to the town centre’s valued heritage significance and ‘fine grain’ scale, and to the changing context of new public transport infrastructure, new health facilities currently under construction, and the expected population and employment growth. The report was informed by specialist consultant input, including expertise in heritage, financial viability, traffic and transport, and flooding, and provides the urban planning justification in support of the RJTC Planning Proposal.

A copy of the RJTC Urban Design report can be found here.

Randwick Junction Town Centre Planning Proposal

The Planning Proposal explains and outlines amendments to the Randwick LEP 2012 planning controls that apply to the town centre including the rezoning of specific sites at the periphery of the town centre to encourage laneway activity and to rationalise the business zone, to increase the density (FSR) and permitted building height for certain properties in the town centre to encourage renewal and heritage restoration, to introduce a new minimum non-residential FSR requirement to preserve employment in the town centre, and requirements for active frontages for the main streets and laneways of the town centre, to ensure street vibrancy, liveliness and pedestrian safety.

A range of public benefits or place-based outcomes have been identified as part of the planning review including the provision of affordable housing, pedestrian through-site links, new plazas, the widening of footpaths, the redevelopment of detracting buildings (identified by the Heritage Assessment) and the restoration of heritage and contributory buildings.

You can view the Planning Proposal report and supporting documents tabled at the May 2023 Council Business paper here.

Indicative timeline for implementation of Randwick Junction Town Centre Planning Proposal


The following is an indicative timeline for the implementation of the various stages of the RJTC Planning Proposal:

Last Updated: 18 May 2023
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