Section 7.12 Contributions Plan

Development Contributions

Section 7.12 'Fixed Development Consent Levies'

Randwick City levies development contributions for development applications and complying development certificates where the cost of works is over $100,000. These contributions are utilised towards providing public amenities and infrastructure required as a consequence of development to service growing communities. Development contributions (monetary or in-kind) help to provide for parks, local road improvements, town centre improvements, community centres and other services.

Randwick City s7.12 Plan 2015

The Randwick City s7.12 Plan 2015 is applicable to development applications and complying development applications lodged from 21 April 2015. The Plan applies to most sites across the Local Government Area, with the exception of Kensington and Kingsford Town Centres and the Bundock Street Site which are subject to separate contributions schemes.

The s7.12 Plan 2015 allows developer contributions to be levied for new development to help fund the provision of public infrastructure, facilities and services across the City. The levy is expressed as a percentage rate based on the cost of works as follows:

Cost of DevelopmentMaximum Percentage Contributions Levy
Up to $100,000Nil
$100,001 - $200,0000.5%
More than $200,0001%

A list of capital works and infrastructure items that development contributions levies are utilised to partially fund are included in the Schedule of Works in the s7.12 Plan 2015.

S7.12 Randwick City Development Contributions Plan 2015 PDF, 793.8 KB

Kensington and Kingsford s7.12 Plan 2019

The Kensington and Kingsford s7.12 Plan 2019 applies exclusively to land within the Kensington and Kingsford Town Centres (land zoned E2 Commercial Centre). Levies collected are utilised towards the provision and augmentation of public infrastructure and amenities, as well as continued upgrades of the existing public domain setting of both town centres. A list of infrastructure items needed to support growth in the town centres over the next 15 years are provided in Schedule 1 of the Plan and include: essential public domain works such as footpath widening and the undergrounding of overhead powerlines, Council owned carparks upgrades, and the provision of open space and street furniture to improve the amenity of the town centres.

Both Kensington and Kingsford town centres are expected to undergo substantial urban renewal and projected to accommodate an estimated additional floor space of 24,900m2 for employment and 103,700m2 for residential over the next 15 years, as a result of amendments to maximum building height and density provisions under the Randwick Local Environmental Plan 2012 (RLEP 2012). As such, development applications and complying development proposals are subject to a higher percentage levy, outlined as follows:

Cost  of DevelopmentMaximum Percentage Contributions Levy
Up to $100,00Nil
$100,001 - $200,0000.5%
$200,001 - $250,0001%
More than $250,0002.5%

S7.12 Development Contributions Plan: Kensington and Kingsford Town Centres 2019 PDF, 751.01 KB

Bundock Street s94 Plan

A site specific plan applies to the Department of Defence site located at Bundock Street and Avoca Street, Kingsford, described as Lots 2 & 3 DP 1009660. The eastern part of the Commonwealth owned originally greenfield site has been redeveloped into residential. Development levies under this plan are calculated on a per allotment basis and utilised towards public facilities including community and recreational facilities and public parks located within the vicinity of the site.

Section 94 Contributions Plan 2000 (Bundock Street) PDF, 182.09 KB

Prince Henry Site Community Facilities

A site specific deed of Agreement (2005) applies to the Prince Henry site, Little Bay. For more information you can download the Prince Henry Site - Little Bay - Community facilities information sheet PDF, 704.14 KB

Exceptions to the Payment of Development Contribution Levies

Under a Ministerial Direction, there are a number of exemptions from the payment of development contributions levies. These include the following scenarios:

  • where the proposed cost of carrying out the development is $100,000 or less;
  • where the development is for the purpose of providing disabled access;
  • where the sole purpose of the development is for providing affordable housing;
  • where the development is for the purpose of reducing consumption of mains supplied potable water, or reducing the energy consumption of a building;
  • where the development is for the sole purpose adaptive reuse of an item of environmental heritage; or
  • other than the subdivision of land, where a condition has been imposed under a previous development consent relating to the subdivision of the land on which the development is proposed to be carried out.

Paying the Development Contribution

If a development contribution levy is required, the consent authority or certifying authority will include a condition in the development application consent or complying development certificate specifying the amount of contribution. This condition will advise when the contribution needs to be paid. Contributions are indexed quarterly in line with the CPI.

Payments of the development contributions levy are to be made at Council’s customer service centre. Contact Council’s Call Centre for further information on development contribution levy payments.

Planning Agreements Policy

Planning agreements are an alternative mechanism for developers to contribute towards public facilities. The Randwick City Council's Planning Agreement Policy PDF, 124.37 KB establishes a framework to guide the preparation of planning agreements in a manner that is efficient, fair, transparent and accountable.

Last Updated: 27 June 2024
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