Development Assessment Performance

Council League Table

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On 11 July 2024, the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) launched an interactive dashboard on its website, which monitors the performance of Councils in NSW in relation to lodgements and determinations of Development Applications (DA). This is known as the “Council League Table Dashboard”.

Furthermore, the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces made the Environmental Planning and Assessment (Statement of Expectations) Order 2024 (the Order) pursuant to Section 9.6(9) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, which took effect on 1 July 2024. The Order sets new benchmarks for Council’s performance on development assessment, including minimum performance standards for determining DA (115 days) and new standards for lodgement times (14 days).

Our current performance

Council’s current performance for lodgements and determinations are as follows:

  • Average Lodgement Days = 5 days

(Note: current average lodgement days for Greater Sydney is 16 days)

  • Determination/Assessment Days = 165 Gross Days

(Note: current average gross assessment days for Greater Sydney is 135 days)


The Dashboard can be accessed via the following link:

Council League Table Dashboard

Development Assessment Performance Data

As part of Randwick City Council’s commitment in delivering and maintaining a high level of development assessment services to our community, additional statistics regarding Randwick City Council’s DAs and the performance of the Development Assessment team will be published here for general public information. This will include information on the number of DAs lodged that propose:

  • a variation to a development standard;
  • a variation to a control within Randwick Development Control Plan; or
  • subject to a request for further information or amendments (RFI).

The information provided is in relation to all DAs lodged from 1 July 2024, and will be updated regularly to reflect up-to-date information.

The data on applications seeking to vary the controls or those which are incomplete in the provision of relevant information is useful as these applications tend to take longer to assess due to the need to:

  • Negotiate a workable solution;
  • Undertake a more complex assessment;
  • Determination by the Randwick Local Planning Panel.

Such applications impact our determination times and ranking on the league table.

Performance Stats – DAs lodged from 01 July 2024 - 21 July 2024

Number of Development Applications lodged within the period = 31 applications.

Variations to Development Standards (Clause 4.6 variation)

  • Number of DAs lodged with a variation to a development standard = 12 applications (39%)
  • Percentage of Variation Request: 
    • DAs with variation under 10% = 6
    • DAs with variation over 10% = 6

Variations to RDCP Development controls

  • Number of DAs lodged with a variation to a development control  = 21 applications (68%)
  • Percentage of Variation Request:
    • DAs with variation under 10% = 2
    • DAs with variation between 10% - 20% = 0
    • DAs with variation over 20% = 15
    • DAs with non-numerical variations = 4

Requests for Information

  • Number of DAs with Request for Information issued = 4 (13%)
Last Updated: 30 July 2024
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