Driveway safety

Keeping children safe near driveways

Most cars have blind spots on them, even with rear-view cameras and mirrors to help. This makes driveways and 'off-road' areas dangerous for children who are small and unable to judge speed and distances well.

In Randwick City Council we have about 7000 children aged 0-4 and it is important they are supervised at all times especially when they are near vehicles.

Did you know? According to Kidsafe's research, more than a third of pedestrians under six years killed in vehicle crashes, were killed 'off road' in yards, carparks and driveways.

The need for children to be supervised around cars and traffic

  • Understanding driveways
  • Understanding why a reversing car is dangerous
  • Crossing roads safely
  • Holding an adult's hand

What can I do to make my driveway safer?

It is very important to always supervise your children and encourage them to stay away from the driveway as it is not a safe play zone. You can also:
  • Put up fencing
  • Make sure to safely secure your child in the car or leave them with another trusted adult
  • Always take care when moving the car
When crossing roads remember to hold their hands and teach them to check the before crossing.

Where can I get more information?

The Department of Infrastructure and Transport has created a useful brochure on Driveway safety.

You can also visit the Kidsafe website for more resources and information on road safety.

Driveway safety

Last Updated: 31 August 2022
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