Are you new to our city and would like to know more about FOGO? Start here and jump to the Frequently asked questions below

What is a FOGO bin?

FOGO stands for Food Organics and Garden Organics. This green lidded 240L bin is provided for you to put in your garden waste, as well as all your food scraps.


About 40% of all the general waste produced by our households is food waste. If that food waste is placed in the red bin and sent to landfill it degrades and generates greenhouse gases. In fact, food organics and garden organics (FOGO) can be a beneficial resource, if collected and processed appropriately it can be turned into compost to be used in farms, parks and sports fields. FOGO have huge environmental benefits and help maintain our beautiful suburbs, parks and reserves for everyone to enjoy.

What's wrong with food waste going to landfill?

Food waste degrades in landfills and produces harmful greenhouse gases like methane which is 25 times stronger than CO2

What are the benefits of FOGO?

When FOGO waste is collected separately, FOGO can be processed into compost that can be used for food production, parks and sports fields.

What happens to FOGO?

The contents collected from our FOGO bins is taken to Veolia’s FOGO processing facility at Woodlawn where the materials are shredded and placed in large piles. The material in piles are mixed and aerated regularly. Microorganisms, like bacteria and fungi, are naturally present in this FOGO material. These organisms eat this nutrient-rich material. After a few weeks, all that organic waste is broken down into a nutrient-rich, soil-like substance called compost.

Is FOGO the solution for food waste?

FOGO is the one small thing that you can do with your waste that will make a big difference on the environment. However, reducing food waste in the first place is crucial. A lot of energy, water and financial and natural resources go into the production of the food that we buy and waste. Reducing your food waste in the first place will not only help the environment but also save you money. Here are more ways to reduce food waste

  • Make a list - Check your fridge and pantry supplies, make a list before shopping and stick to it.
  • Plan ahead - Plan meals and plan what to do with leftovers - like turning it into tomorrow's lunch or freezing it to use later on.
  • Get into composting - Set up a compost bin or worm farm - visit

Find more ideas at Planet Ark's site.

Who can have a FOGO bin?

The service is available for all households in the Randwick City who pays the Domestic Waste Management Charges, including houses and apartment blocks.

What does it cost?

There is no additional cost to the residents for FOGO services.

What can I put in my FOGO bin?

  • Garden waste – flowers, leaves, grass clippings, pruning, etc.
  • Food waste – leftovers, bread, vegetable scraps, meat, bones, milk, cheese, etc.

More information can be found on the A-Z page

What cannot go in the new FOGO bin?

Please do NOT put any plastics or biodegradable plastics, plastic bags, cling wrap, glass, tins and cans, foil, Tetrapaks, nappies, treated timber, gravel, rocks or building material into your FOGO bin. Separate food waste from containers so only food waste goes in FOGO. If the container is recyclable, then it can go into the yellow bin.

Jump to the A-Z page for a comprehensive list of FOGO acceptable and non-acceptable items.

What if I already compost and don't have garden waste?

Your FOGO bin can be used for items that you might not currently compost, such as dairy, bones, meat/fish scraps and weeds.

What is a kitchen caddy?

Your kitchen caddy is a small container that Council can provide to you free of charge and is designed to be placed on your kitchen benchtop. This means you can easily put in food scraps during meal preparation and any leftover scraps when cleaning up after your meal. Once your caddy is full, empty it into your large green-lid FOGO bin, put a new liner in your caddy and start collecting food waste again!

Can I get a Council caddy?

Please call Customer Service on 1300 722 542 or email and we will deliver a caddy to your address. You can also use your own container or re-use any container of your choice such as an old ice cream or yogurt container for example. Any container with a lid can be used, as long as it works for you. Check Costa’s tips on how to choose a container

Can I have a smaller or a bigger caddy?

Council can only provide one type of caddy. You can use your own containers or re-use a container of your choice that best suits you.  Any container with a lid can be used, as long as it works for you. Check Costa’s tips on how to choose a container

If I move, can I take my caddy and pack of liners with me?

The caddy and pack of liners were provided to the property you live in as part of Council's waste collection service. Please leave them at the property if you move.

What are compostable bags or liners? 

Compostable symbol

Typically, compostable bags or liners are made from corn starch and will break down in the composting process just like food scraps do. The certification logo attests that the bags meet the AS 4736-2006 Australian compost ability standard and can break down in a composting facility.

Where can I get more FOGO compostable bags/ liners from?

Randwick Council will deliver a pack of compostable liners to all households each year. If you run out of liners before then, you can order them using the link below or call our Customer Service Centre on or

Order new FOGO caddy liners

Alternatively, you can wrap your food scraps in newspaper or put them straight into your FOGO bin.

Can I purchase my own FOGO compostable bags/ liners from?

Compostable symbol

Yes. However, the caddy liner must be green in colour and meet Australian compost ability standard (Only AS 4736-2006). It is crucial that you look for the certification logo that attests that the bags have been tested and meet the Australian standards and will completely breakdown during composting. Compostable liners must be green so that other coloured bags can be easily identified and removed as contamination.

Can I use an ordinary plastic bag or a biodegradable plastic bag?

NO, ordinary plastic bags and other types of ‘degradable’ or 'biodegradable' bags are not acceptable as they are not compostable.  Biodegradable plastic bags break down into tiny pieces of plastic which are harmful to the environment and our health. For that reason, plastic bags, ‘degradable’ or 'biodegradable' bags are not accepted by the FOGO processing facility.

Please only use  AS 4736-2006 green-coloured certified compostable bags to line your caddy, as this allows other coloured bags to be identified as contamination and removed. Alternatively, you can place your food scraps wrapped in newspaper directly in the caddy or bin.

Can I put paper and cardboard boxes in my FOGO bin?

Newspaper or brown paper bags can be used in FOGO as caddy liners or to wrap your food waste.

Only small amounts of newspaper or brown paper can go in FOGO. Paper and cardboard items such as empty pizza boxes should be recycled in your yellow lid bin, while paper towels, tissues and serviettes should go in your red bin.

What is Friends of FOGO?

You can join our Friends of FOGO group of passionate residents and Council officers who will help spread the word to residents around Randwick City about this fantastic service.

Visit the Friends of FOGO page or email to receive more information about becoming a FOGO ambassador.

How can I help make FOGO a success in my building?

Do you live in a unit block and feel like your building as a whole could be doing better in sorting their waste? Become a Champion for your building, helping spread the message and providing additional information or resources to your neighbours. Contact Council on 1300 722 542 or email and our waste education team will work with you to help encourage all residents to correctly sort their waste and to improve the waste management in your building.

You can also join the Friends of FOGO, a group of passionate residents who lead the change in their buildings and help spread the word about FOGO. Visit the Friends of FOGO page for more information.

How can Real Estate Agents and Landlords get more information for their tenants?

Plenty of educational materials can be downloaded from our website. We can also provide hardcopies of any materials to you. Please email and send us any specific queries you have.

My bin smells or attracts flies.

Please check these handy tips to help you reduce or avoid any smells or insects on your bins. Use this link to Tips & Tricks page

How to reduce nappy and diapers odour in my red bin?

There are things you can do to minimise any odours from nappies such as:

You may also want to consider whether reusable nappies might be an option for you. Disposable nappies are convenient but they must go into your garbage bin. With the average child going through 6000 nappies before they are toilet trained, that’s a lot of nappies going to landfill. Even a partial switch to modern cloth nappies can make a difference. There are compact, easy to use and stylish options available.

  • Dispose of as much of the nappy contents as you can into the toilet;
  • Wrap the nappy tightly into itself and use the tabs to secure. Put the wrapped nappy into a biodegradable/compostable bag, removing air, and tie the bag;
  • Store your garbage bin in the shade;
  • Make sure the lid can close properly and the bin has no cracks nor splits; and
  • Using scented nappy bags and odour neutralisers, such as bi-carb soda in your bin can also help minimise smells.

Where can I get more information about FOGO?

Downloadable resources can be found on this page.

You can call Customer Service on 1300 722 542 or email

Collection & Bins Matters FAQ

When is my collection day?

Every year you should receive in your letter box a waste calendar with the dates your waste is collected. If you haven’t received your waste calendar, please contact Customer Service on 1300 722 542 or email and we will post it to you. You can also check your collection days on our website

How often is my green lid FOGO bin collected?

Your lime green-lid FOGO bin is collected weekly for both houses and apartment blocks.

How often is my red lid bin collected?

  • Apartment blocks: Your red bin is collected weekly, unless agreed otherwise.
  • Houses: Your red bin is collected fortnightly. By transferring your food waste from your red bin to your FOGO bin and your recyclables to your yellow lid recycling bin, the amount of waste left in your red bin should be reduced and a fortnightly collection is sufficient.

How often is my yellow lid recycling bin collected?

Your yellow lid Recycling bin is collected fortnightly for both houses and apartment blocks.

What should I do if I have too much garden waste to fit in my bin?

To avoid spillage, it's best not to overfill your bin. If you have extra garden waste, you can book a clean-up by calling Council on 1 300 722 542. The green bin is collected every week so you can store some and place in the bin for collection next time.

Can I have assisted bin collection service (Infirm service)?

Yes, Council offers an assisted bin collection service for residents who cannot wheel their bins out for collection due to age, disability or ill health, and do not have anyone to assist. Please contact Customer Service on 1300 722 542 or email to arrange.

Can I order an extra FOGO, Recycling or Rubbish bin?

You can order additional green lid FOGO and yellow lid Recycling bins at no extra charge. Extra red lid rubbish bins can be ordered for an additional charge. Please complete the form on or contact us on 1300 722 542 to order.

Can I choose a smaller red lid Rubbish bin?

You can request your red rubbish bin be swapped for a smaller bin. Please be aware that the annual charge will remain the same. Link to smaller red bin form

Recycling of old bins

Last Updated: 23 October 2023
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